July 12, 2015 on 12:14 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Scattered thin clouds today, so I had to image with variable seeing.  The Sun’s 6 active regions have increased the total sunspot area on the Sun by 20 to 730 millionths, even though the sunspots count only shows 33 spots. Flare activity is very low with only 1 C-class flare in the last two days.  So things are kind of stable at this time.  Today full disk images again in H-a and WL/Continuum and close ups of AR2381 and 84 in both wavelengths.

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July 11, 2015 on 6:05 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A clear sky this morning with stable 7-8/10 seeing.  The sun shows 8 active regions with a total of 44 Sunspots, covering 710 millionths.  Flare activity has been real low with one C-class flare.  The heart shaped leading sunspot in AR2381 from two days ago has changed a lot since then.  Today a full disk image of the Sun, as well as a close up of AR2381  in Ha and WL/Continuum.

2015-07-11-1325_5-TR-Ha-1_g3_b3_ap114Comp.jpg 2015-07-11-1348_3-TR-Ha-9_g3_b3_ap236Comp.jpg

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July 9, 2015 on 2:12 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Today started off with great seeing 8/10.   AR2381 continues to grow at a modest rate.  Today it’s sunspots cover an area of 540 out of a total of 840 millionths.  Total Sunspots are 51 and flare activity is low with three C-class flares in the last two days.  Today a close up of AR2381 and 84 in H-a with the 2x barlow, since the three times barlow produces heavy Newton rings. (Need for the tilt adjuster) The same spots also in WL/Continuum and finally two full size images with the same filters.

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July 8, 2015 on 10:19 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Today the entire sky was covered with a thin cloud deck. Transparency was probably around 3-4.  However, I was able to get enough detail for a low quality of a full disk H-a Image.  AR2381’s growth is slowing down and increased only 100 to 450 millionth while its spots increased from 14 to 25.  Because of the activity slowdown, the Sun produced only 6 C-class flares in the last two days, and all in 2381.  Total sunspot area today 700 millionths and 48 spots.


July 7, 2015 on 6:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Its been 5 days since the last session.  AR2381 is the dominant active region today and pretty active. Today the sun shows medium flare activity with 15- C-class flares and two M-class flares and yes, all coming from AR2381.  The six regions contain 38 spots with a total of 630 millionths.  AR2381  itself is responsible for 350 of them, and has increased by 250 during the last day, adding to the chance for some more flares.  Today a  full disk in H-a as well as WL/Continuum and close ups of AR2381 with the same filters.

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July 2, 2015 on 4:11 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Variable clouds today, but I found a clear spot for some images. Three active regions again today with a total of 380 millionths of Sun spot area. Flare activity is medium with 6 C-class flares in the last two days. Todays images show the full solar disk in H-alpha as well as White-light/continuum and close ups of Active regions AR2373, 75 and 76 with the same filters.

2015-07-02-1259_4-TR-Ha-1_g3_b3_ap91Comp.jpg 2015-07-02-1319_2-TR-Ha-7_g3_b3_ap199Comp.jpg

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June 29, 2015 on 6:48 pm | In ISS, Sun | Comments Off

International Space Station – Sun transit.  Tonight at 18:45:09 the ISS did transit the Sun.  The Center line was about 2 miles from my house, and because of the marginal seeing conditions and the cloud coverage I decided to give it a shot from my normal observing location.  Since I made my first full disk white light image this morning, I decided to give that another try.  With the ISS being 31″ arc seconds in diameter at a distance of 884 km, I figured I should be able to make out the shape of the ISS at this magnification.

June 29, 2015 on 5:11 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

As good as the seeing was yesterday, today it was the opposite.  Seeing around 6-7/10.  AR2371 at the side, not visible, as AR2373 continues to show more of itself at the Eastern limb.  Today a full disk image in H-alpha and a close up in WL/Continuum of AR2373, and a first for me, a full disk image in White Light/Continuum with the SVC80 and the ASI174MM.  The Sun shows three regions with a total of 9 spots covering 220 millionths and flare activity is medium with 7 C-Class flares in the last two days.

2015-06-29-1335_4-TR-Ha-1_g3_b3_ap146Comp.jpg 2015-06-29-1402_4-TR-WLCont-1_g3_b3_ap368.jpg


June 28, 2015 on 2:23 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A beautiful day with the best transparency and seeing in a long time. 8-9/10   Because of the good seeing, Active Region 2371 is still visible a little at the Western limb. However it still shows a good spot size of 430 millionths with 15 spots. As it turns to the far side of the Sun, a new unnamed Region (2372 ?)with two spots shows up on the East side, so it does not look like we will have a spotless day. Today, a full disk image of the Sun as well a close up of a hedgerow and a anvil shaped prom at the Eastern limb in H-a. Both mentioned active regions are also shown in white light/Continuum and show the Wilson effect very nicely.

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June 26, 2015 on 4:53 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another session getting used to the new ASI174MM.  The Sun is quieting down a bit, 1 M-class flare and 4 C-class flares in the last two days.  The only registered Active Region AR2371 is now down to 580 millionths with 23 sun spots.  The skies were unstable with thin clouds moving through.  So today a full disk image, one Ha close up of AR2371 and two White Light/Continuum images of the same region with the SVC80.  One with a 2x barlow and the second with the 3x barlow.

2015-06-26-1414_0-TR-Ha-1_g3_b3_ap146CrpComp.jpg 2015-06-26-1427_2-TR-Ha-5_g3_b3_ap69Drizzle648.jpg

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