March 8, 2015 on 1:35 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies this morning with OK seeing 4/6.  Not as good as yesterday.  AR2297 produced a M9.2 flare yesterday at 21:45 UT yesterday and as a result, the associated sunspot area has increased from 30 to 180 millionth.  AR2297 now contains the only 10 spots observed on the Sun this morning.  Today a full disk image in Ha as well as a close up of AR2297in Ha as well as WL/Continuum.

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March 7, 2015 on 5:42 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear and stable skies today.  Seeing was great, so I brought my SVC80 out again for white light/continuum filtered images in addition to the Ha. The Sun is very quiet today with three active regions and 7 Sunspots covering only 50 millionth and only a few C-class flares!  Wow. Some nice filaments stretch out and we observe a few proms primarily at the Western limb.

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March 2, 2015 on 4:45 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Finally a day with temps in the 60s and a few breaks in the clouds as well as a high level active Sun. I was lucky to get the holes in the clouds while an M3.7 flare was in progress. Unfortunately I had to wait for a proper hole to get a close up at a FL of 1200mm with the SM40. So far AR2290 has produced today 11 C-Class flares, and 5 M-class flares including an M4.1 and M3.7. Wow that’s fun again.

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February 28, 2015 on 3:10 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Cloudy forecast for today, but a few breaks between the clouds.  Only a full disk image today.  Activity has picked up a bit overnight, so far 5 C-class flares, and the 28 spots today occupy 200 millionth.  Some interesting filaments and a group of Prominences at the NE limb today.


February 27, 2015 on 3:23 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies again this morning.  The Sun seems real quiet.  There are only 6 Active Regions, but the 9 spots reported, only cover an area of 70 millionth.  The last reported C-class flare was on the 23th. and since then only 4 B-class flares occurred.  The Sun is really taking a breather. :-)
However, prominence that shows at the Eastern limb, looks really intricate and pretty.

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February 23, 2015 on 8:21 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clouds all morning, but some clear skies when I came back from town.  However the Sun was still in the tree behind the house and was covered by thin clouds.  Here a full disk image including some tree branches and thin clouds. :-) (a stack of 21 hand selected frames).   The Sun is really getting quiet. Today we still have 4 Active Regions, with a total of only 9 spots which cover only 70 millionth and we registered only 2 C-class flares, not associated with the regions.  A quiet sun with a few filaments.  :-(


February 19, 2015 on 11:06 am | In Sun | Comments Off

I had a little time this morning with clear skies.  However, the seeing was terrible.  Only a full disk image today, too unstable and too cold for close ups (21 degrees with windshield of 12) :-( .  The Sun shows a bit more activity today with 7 small active regions except 2282 which still shows a size of 140 millionth.  Total count of spots is 25 and three flares in the last 24 hours out of 2282.


February 18, 2015 on 6:46 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies early this morning, and had to hurry to setup before a solid front moved in.  I missed capturing a clear image of  the Sun by 5 minutes, so today an image I took of the Sun when the Sun was still behind the trees and the clouds started to roll in already.  Today’s Sun is a continuation of the run to very low activity.  Today the same number of active regions but the number of sunspots is reduced to 10 covering a mere 180 millionth.  However,  I have to say AR2282 was able to produce one C-class flare.  But the Sun shows very low activity in the last week and especially today.


February 17, 2015 on 11:25 am | In Sun | Comments Off

The activity of the Sun is very low today.  Three active regions with 19 spots covering a total of a low 250 millionth.  No flares have been recorded in the last two days. The high filament of a few days ago is gone and with it the beautiful prom.   Captured today a full disk image only through, and between clouds while the temp was just above freezing.


February 15, 2015 on 3:50 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Wow, the Sun’s activity is really slowing down.  Only 3 active regions with a total sunspot area of only 250 millionth and the Sun produced only 3 B-Class flares in the last 24 hours.  The large filaprom is still beautiful and today I was able to get more detail in my image of the 50,000 miles high structure.  Since SDO is now 5 years active, I checked back what the Sun did 5 years ago and the Sun was also very quiet. We were watching two active regions: AR1046 and 48 with a size of 70 and 10 millionth respectively which produced two C-class flares.  This all is in stark contrast to the week of October 24 2014, when we had 5 named active regions  with a total of 76 sunspots covering an area of 3090 millionth and we were leading up to the 27th when AR2192 by itself produced 13 C-Class Flare, 7 M-Class flare and even 2 X-Class Flares.

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