December 16, 2014 on 10:57 am | In Outreach, Sun | Comments Off

OK this week it is time to remove the pinhole cameras if you obtained one earlier this year, or if you made one yourself to generate a Solargraph.  Between now and the 21st, the Sun will only drop another 5 seconds which is only 1/6 of the dot that the Sun generates on the photo paper.  Here is the Solargraph made from my deck behind my house between the Summer Solstice and today.  The washed out areas on either side are created by small trees obstructing the Sun.  The dark area on top of the image is the canopy of a 70′ tree at the side of the deck that obstructs the sun in the summer months from above.

December 14, 2014 on 12:42 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies with reasonable seeing, but not good enough for WL images through the SVC80.  Today the full disk shows AR2227, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, and 37.  Few flares today.  The close ups show AR2230 and the second image gives a nice view of AR2235 and 37.  Both images show some nice prominence structures as well.  AR2230 has increased 10 to 190 mill today and gained 3 spots.

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December 13, 2014 on 12:23 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Had to skip a day and the seeing is a little better today, so spend some time on close ups, including a white light with the SVC80 and the continuum and photo film filter.  The full disk shows AR2227, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37 and 38. AR2230 has grown to 180 mill. and 18 spots but flares are at 2 for the day.  Two close up images.  The first an Ha image and the second shows AR27, 30 and 34 through the continuum filter.  The structure of AR2230 is nice with the trailing spots.

2014-12-13-15111-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap185Comp.jpg 2014-12-13-15179-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap153Comp.jpg 2014-12-13-15317-TR-WLCont_g3_b3_ap208Comp.jpg

December 11, 2014 on 2:55 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Seeing still not good, so another full disk image today with AR2227, 30, 32, 33, 34 and 35.  The number of spots in AR2230 has increased to 20, but the flares only show 3  C-class flares for the day.  AR2232 seems to stabilize at 240 mill.


December 10, 2014 on 7:50 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another sunny day but bad seeing, so today only a full disk image.  AR2230 has grown to 100 mill. and the 8 sunspots now produced 13 C-class flares.


December 9, 2014 on 7:24 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

I was not able to image the sun until December 9th.  Today great weather with reasonable seeing conditions.  AR2230 became active with a size of 30 millionth, 5 sunspots and 8 C-Class flares.  AR2232 increased from 80 to 180 millionth and the same number of spots.  Today a full disk image with AR2222, 27, 30, 31, and 32 and an Ha close up of AR2230 while in the process of erupting a C6.2 flare.

2014-12-09-15336-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap251Comp.jpg 2014-12-09-1537.jpg

December 1, 2014 on 1:17 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Monday was clear but the seeing was not too good, so the WLC images did not come out as I would like, so I am not posting them.
Today, a full disk Ha image and a close up of around AR2222 which is at a size of 680 millionth.

2014-12-01-15209-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap297_Drizzle15_.jpg 2014-12-01-15280-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap323.jpg

November 30, 2014 on 2:59 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Bright and calm skies today.  Today a full disk image as well as Ha and continuum filtered images.  AR2222 is 540 mil. and AR2218 shows at 140.  17 all C-class flares today and some nice proms.

2014-11-30-14275-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap257.jpg Drizzle15_2014-11-30-14444-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap378Comp.jpg

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November 29, 2014 on 3:15 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies and freezing this morning.  However, the sky is not stable enough for WLC close ups.  Today a full disk image and a close up of AR2216 and AR2222.  AR2216 still looks good at a size of 200, but AR2222 has overtaken 16 and 19 by growing over night from 120 to 330 millionth.  Wonder if it will keep this pace up.  Flare activity is not high with a dozen or so C-class flares over the last 24 hours.

2014-11-29-14169-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap209Comp.jpg 2014-11-29-14217-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap256Drizzle15_Comp.jpg 2014-11-29-14226-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap238Drizzle15_Comp.jpg

November 26, 2014 on 6:52 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, but the seeing is not good.  AR2209 has increased from 950 to a sizable 1090 millionth, the largest size in the last two weeks.  AR2216 shrunk from 720 to 420 millionth, but is still nice to watch. Today a full disk image and a closeup of 2216 in Ha and a closeup of AR2216 in WLC through the SVC.  Wish the quality could have been better. :-(

2014-11-26-15397-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap289Comp.jpg 2014-11-26-15586-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap240_Drizzle15Comp.jpg 2014-11-26-16152-TR-HaComp.jpg

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