March 30, 2020 on 4:19 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A short window of clear skies between lots of clouds.  A new area has appeared near the NE limb showing up as a faculae in WL and plages in Ha and CaK.  I observed two small pores.  The area has not been named, so we’ll see if they develop in a sunspot.  Today full disk images as well as close ups of the mentioned area.

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2020-03-30-1448_0-TR-540nm-NewArea.jpg 2020-03-30-1512_5-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-03-30-1454_9-TR-CaK-New-Area.jpg

March 27, 2020 on 7:10 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another spotless Sun.  Day 17 in the current spotless streak.

2020-03-27-1528_3-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-03-01-1508_5-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-03-27-1531_2-TR-540nm.jpg

March 25, 2020 on 1:33 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The skies cleared up and showed another spotless Sun today, with some nice proms at the NE, NW and SW limbs.  Full disk images today in the three wavelengths.

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March 20, 2020 on 2:43 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A sunny day with some high cirrus clouds and contrails.  Another spotless day for spotless day 707 since Solar Max.  A few faculae can be seen in the Eastern hemisphere and some prominences can be seen in the NE, E, and SW.  Otherwise the sun looks quiet.  Today full disk images in the three wavelengths.

2020-03-20-1508_5-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-03-20-1515_3-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-03-20-1511_9-TR-CaK.jpg

March 7, 2020 on 12:22 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies today with below average seeing, and SWPC reported a spotless Sun.  However we can see something developing not far from the SE limb.  Initially as a plage in CaK, and a pore in 540nm which might become a sunspot.  But so far it has not been named.  In addition we see some nice prominences around the NE and NW limbs.  In the meantime we have surpassed the 33 day spotless streak which ended a year ago on March 5th 2019.  SILSO calls the current streak the longest spotless streak of the current minimum. However, SWPC recorded 2 longer streaks.  One of 36 days and the longest of 43 days.  These however, are still way below the 44, 51 and 52 days in the previous minimum.

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March 6, 2020 on 10:12 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies, with another spotless day.  Two small proms are visible at the NW limb.  For the rest the Sun is quiet.

2020-03-06-1426_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-03-06-1432_2-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-03-06-1429_0-TR-CaK.jpg

March 1, 2020 on 11:11 am | In Sun | Comments Off

A new Carrington Rotation has started today with clear skies and good seeing for a change. However, another spotless day, making it a streak of 28 days so far.  This makes it the 6th streak above 28 days in the current solar minimum, vs. 3 only in the previous minimum.  However, those steaks in the C23-C24 minimum were much longer than what we have seen so far. I will be watching how this continues. The area with filaments we’ve seen in the NW in recent days are approaching the Western limb and are starting to show up as some small proms.  Today a quiet Sun with a small prom in the NW and SW.

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February 29, 2020 on 10:42 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Scattered clouds with poor seeing today.  Another spotless sun day.  Did not see much except the filament in the NW.  I wonder what that will look like when it turns to the backside of the Sun.

2020-02-29-1441_0-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-29-1447_4-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-29-1444_3-TR-CaK.jpg

February 28, 2020 on 11:32 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies for another spotless Sun observing session.  This makes it spotless day 26 in the current spotless streak.  The filaments in the NW and the proms at the SW limb are still there. For the rest, the Sun seems to be quiet.

2020-02-28-1509_8-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-28-1515_7-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-28-1512_1-TR-CaK.jpg

February 27, 2020 on 12:39 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies for a change, but cold.  Another spotless Sun today. A few small proms were visible in Ha in the NE, and filaments in the NW quadrant.  A very small bi-polar area could be seen in the West in SDO’s magnetogram, and also in the CaK wavelenght, but it seemed to have Cycle 24 polarization.

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