February 22, 2020 on 11:15 am | In Sun | Comments Off

After a week of clouds we get one day of clear skies.  Just to confirm that the Sun still is spotless for spotless day 682 since solar max.  A few small proms are visible in Ha at the NW and SW limbs.

2020-02-22-1514_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-22-1523_4-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-22-1520_4-TR-CaK.jpg

February 15, 2020 on 11:01 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, gusty wind.  Spotless Sun again with not much else to see.

2020-02-15-1505_4-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-15-1511_2-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-15-1508_2-TR-CaK.jpg

February 14, 2020 on 11:45 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Cold but clear.  Another spotless Sun today but an unsteady sky.  However, a nice prominence is visible in the SE and a small filament in the North.  Today full disk images in the three wavelengths and a close up of the prom.

2020-02-14-1434_5-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-14-1441_8-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-14-1438_1-TR-CaK.jpg


February 9, 2020 on 2:12 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

After 6 days the clouds cleared up today late morning.  Another Spotless day.  However, some nice features were visible.  A nice filament split in three streaks near the SE limb.  The NW limb showed a nice prom, while the SW limb showed off with a nice filaprom.  Overall an interesting Sun.

2020-02-09-1726_3-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-09-1732_9-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-09-1728_8-TR-CaK.jpg

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February 3, 2020 on 12:17 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Scattered clouds and lots of con-trails.  A spotless Sun again today.  The SM40 showed two small filaments in the southern hemisphere, and a few plages were visible through the CaK scope.

2020-02-03-1618_7-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-02-03-1627_8-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-02-03-1621_0-TR-CaK.jpg

February 2, 2020 on 2:38 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing.  A spotless Sun  today.  These images are my last images for CR2226 which ends today at 1721 UT.   A few proms and two filaments were visible in Ha and a plage in the Southern hemisphere in CaK.  Today full disk images and close-ups of the filaments.

2020-02-02-1448_3-TR-540nm_001.jpg 2020-02-02-1458_4-TR-Ha_001.jpg 2020-02-02-1454_5-TR-CaK_001.jpg

2020-02-02-1501_4-TR-Ha-SEFilam_001.jpg 2020-02-02-1500_2-TR-Ha-NWFilam_001.jpg

January 30, 2020 on 11:23 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning with good seeing.  AR2757 seems to be stable with a size of 60 millionths and 1 spot.  The reverse polarized area in the SE quadrant seems to be stable also.  A few small proms could be seen but not much activity today.

2020-01-30-1418_6-TR-540nm-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-30-1434_5-TR-Ha-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-30-1426_4-TR-CaK-AR2757.jpg

2020-01-30-1421_7-TR-540nm-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-30-1437_4-TR-Ha-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-30-1429_3-TR-CaK-2-AR2757.jpg

2020-01-30-1439_2-TR-Ha-SEPlage.jpg 2020-01-30-1430_2-TR-CaK-SEPlage.jpg

January 28, 2020 on 2:50 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear blue skies!!!  AR2757 has increased in size to 100 millionths but the spot count has gone down to 2.  It’s been a while since we had a Cso spot on the Sun.  SWPC reported it at midday as an Hcx!!  :-) .  In addition we have the reverse polarized plage in the SE quadrant, a prom in the NW, and a very tall but faint prom at the NE limb.  An interesting Sun today.  Did take the ASI120MM out for some of the close ups.

2020-01-28-1504_7-TR-540nmAR2757.jpg 2020-01-28-1531_6-TR-Ha-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-28-1524_7-TR-CaK-AR2757.jpg

2020-01-28-1507_2-TR-540nm-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-28-1533_9-TR-Ha-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-28-1527_7-TR-CaK-AR2757.jpg

2020-01-28-1519_9-TR-540nm-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-28-1542_1-TR-540nm-AR2757.jpg 2020-01-28-1543_2-TR-540nm-SEPlage.jpg

January 26, 2020 on 11:07 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clouds obscuring the session this morning.  Just enough time for one WL image.  AR2757 has developed in a nice area and polarization is consistent with Cycle 24.   However near the SE limb at approx. -30 degrees a faint faculae is visible.  Although not showing spots,  this area seems to have C25 polarization.


January 21, 2020 on 12:58 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies!  The plage from yesterday has further decayed and did not develop any spots.  So today we are counting spotless day 659 since solar max.  The plage still can be seen in CaK however it is very hard to see where it was in Ha.  Today full disk images in the three wavelengths and the close ups in CaK and Ha.

2020-01-21-1609_5-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-01-21-1619_6-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-01-21-1612_5-TR-CaK.jpg

2020-01-21-1623_0-TR-Ha-plage.jpg 2020-01-21-1615_3-TR-CaK-plage.jpg

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