July 4, 2019 on 6:23 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The clouds made the Sun play hide and seek, but I finally was able to catch some full disk images.  Another spotless day, and we see a small area popping up not too far from the Eastern limb near the equator shown as a small plage in the CaK image.  This area is C24 polarized. Happy 4th of July!!!

2019-07-04-1517_8-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-29-1333_7-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-07-04-1520_4-TR-CaK.jpg

July 1, 2019 on 10:15 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing.  Another spotless day but the reverse polarized area I mentioned yesterday, has continued to evolve and is now very well visible in Ha also.  However, no spot or pore was seen at the time of my session.  I used the time to do some comparison images of closeups with the new ASI120MM-S.  Will discuss this at another time.  Today full disk images and close ups of the mentioned areas including the filaments in the northern hemisphere.

2019-07-01-1238_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-07-01-1245_0-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-07-01-1241_1-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-07-01-1247_1-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2019-07-01-1248_0-TR-Ha-RevPolArea.jpg 2019-07-01-1247_5-TR-Ha.jpg

June 30, 2019 on 1:34 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

High thin clouds this morning.  Another spotless day.  The Filaments at the NE and NW limbs are still nicely visible.  However, a small reverse polarized active area has developed at 20 degrees South near the Meridian and is visible both in the Ha and CaK full disk images.  It looks like it might break up already, so we’ll see how this progresses.

2019-06-30-1322_5-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-30-1329_5-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-06-30-1326_3-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-06-30-1344_9-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2019-06-30-1337_0-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-30-1344_2-TR-Ha-NWFilam.jpg

June 29, 2019 on 12:31 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The first (spotless) day of a new rotation with below average transparency.  Focused today again on the two filaments in the Northern hemisphere.

2019-06-29-1326_8-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-29-1333_7-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-06-29-1329_4-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-06-29-1341_1-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-29-1347_6-TR-Ha-NFilam - Copy.jpg 2019-06-29-1352_5-TR-Ha-NFilam3x.jpg

June 28, 2019 on 2:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Good seeing, but below average transparency today on another spotless day.  However, I was able to test my new ASI120MM.  In direct focus everything is fine, and with low magnification and the tilter, things work fine also.  I now have been able to get rid of most of the concentric rings, whether they are Newton rings, or caused by USB3 interference.  So today I am attaching full disk images captured with the ASI174 and close ups of three images of the small northern filaments captured with the ASI120.  One in direct focus, one with 1.6 magnification and one with 3x magnification.  So far I feel good about it.

2019-06-28-1342_8-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-28-1350_1-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-06-28-1346_5-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-06-28-1358_3-TR-Ha-ASI120-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-28-1400_6-TR-Ha-ASI120-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-28-1409_3-TR-Ha-ASI120-NFilam.jpg

June 26, 2019 on 10:04 am | In Sun | Comments Off

A brief time with good seeing, but than the clouds took over.  AR2742 was very short lived, but AR2743 still shows near the Western limb. Did image the active region and the filaments in the Northern hemisphere, but did not have time for the NE prom.  The stats for today are: total active region areas 10 millionths and 2 spots.

2019-06-26-1225_2-TR-540nm-AR2743-42.jpg 2019-06-26-1231_9-TR-Ha-AR2742-43.jpg 2019-06-26-1228_5-TR-CaK-AR2742-43.jpg

2019-06-26-1234_1-TR-Ha-NEFila.jpg 2019-06-26-1233_5-TR-Ha-NWFila.jpg 2019-06-26-1234_4-TR-Ha-AR2742-43-.jpg

June 24, 2019 on 1:15 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Well, the spotless streak is coming to an end.  Two small areas started showing up yesterday in the western hemisphere very close to the equator.  By 1200 UT today, one of them was named AR2742.  However, flaring is very minimal.  Also the northern filament is still there and even becoming more prominent.  Unfortunately the clouds made it a very frustrating 2 1/2 hour session, but I got a close up of both the filament and the regions.  However had to do it using the ASI174MM capturing a lot of data.

2019-06-24-1404_6-TR-540nm-AR2742.jpg 2019-06-24-1416_6-TR-HaAR2742.jpg 2019-06-24-1408_8-TR-CaK-AR2742.jpg

2019-06-24-1431_1-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-24-1427_5-TR-Ha-New Region.jpg

June 23, 2019 on 4:47 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another spotless day.  Scattered thin clouds everywhere today so had to image through some moving clouds which required me to resort to Registax 5 to process some of the images.  The small filament is still there and I made again some close ups of it with different magnifications and the ASI120MM.

2019-06-23-1343_0-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-23-1349_9-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-06-23-1347_1-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-06-23-1357_9-TR-Ha-2xV5Wavep.jpg 2019-06-23-1359_7-TR-Ha-NFilam2x.jpg 2019-06-23-1404_0-TR-Ha-3xNFilamp.jpg


June 22, 2019 on 11:04 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear for a short while until the clouds took over.  What’s new?  Another spotless day.  Today we exceeded the previous longest spotless streak of 33 days (SWPC).  My plans to image some more with the ASI120MM came to an abrupt end as the clouds took over.  So today a compromised Ha full disk image, and a non-compensated image of the Northern Filament using the 2x barlow.

2019-06-22-1302_3-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-22-1310_1-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-06-22-1305_2-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-06-22-1315_5-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-22-1318_9-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2019-06-22-1324_5-TR-Ha-NFil--thru-clouds.jpg

June 21, 2019 on 1:36 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning with good seeing.  Another spotless day.  This brings the current spotless streak to 33 days (SWPC), the same as the previous longest streak in this transition.  This happened on March 5, 2019.  However it still is a long time to match the longest streaks in the previous transition, which were over 50 days.  Today I also took the time to test my new camera, the ASI120MM-S, a bit more.  I am adding some of the images captured and processed with different configurations such as different barlows and processing.  I am starting to get the interference, or Newton rings, under control.  Am looking forward to the next session. Today full disk images captured with the ASI174MM as well as close ups, captured in different ways of the small filament visible in the NE.

2019-06-21-1232_9-TR-540nm.jpg 2019-06-21-1242_9-TR-Ha.jpg 2019-06-21-1236_1-TR-CaK.jpg

2019-06-21-1250_5-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2019-06-21-1253_5-TR-Ha-NEFilam - Copy.jpg 2019-06-21-1253_5-TR-Ha-NEfilam.jpg

2019-06-21-1259_3-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2019-06-21-1259_3-TR-Ha-NEFilam - Copy.jpg 2019-06-21-1259_3-TR-Ha-NEFilamA.jpg

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