October 21, 2018 on 1:53 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Finally some clear skies again after a streak of cloudy days. Seeing was below average.  Today on spotless day 310 we see a few small pores near the Western limb, which show as plages in Ha and CaK, as well as few faint proms at the SE and SW limb.  Other than that the Sun is uneventful today.  It has been 8 days since we had the last flare which was a B2.3.

2018-10-21-1351_7-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-10-21-1404_5-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-10-21-1359_3-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-10-21-1355_6-TR-540nm-WPores.jpg 2018-10-21-1406_6-TR-Ha-WPlage.jpg 2018-10-21-1359_3-TR-CaK-WPlage.jpg


October 13, 2018 on 1:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with average seeing.  The spots from yesterday are named today as AR2724 and cover 20 millionths.  The two outer spots in today’s WL closeup are separated by approx. 11 degrees and the associated plages show very nice in Ha and CaK.  In addition we still see the very nice filament in the NW as well as the evolved SW prom from yesterday.  The active region did produce a B2.1 and a B7.1 flare yesterday, and earlier today a B2.3 flare.

2018-10-13-1355_1-TR-540nm-AR2724.jpg 2018-10-13-1406_2-TR-Ha-AR2724.jpg 2018-10-13-1402_1-TR-CaK-AR2724.jpg

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2018-10-13-1408_6-TR-Ha-NWFilam.jpg 2018-10-13-1410_8-TR-Ha-SWPromA.jpg

October 12, 2018 on 1:02 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The first clear day after hurricane Michael.  The seeing was pretty bad and it seems that the spotless streak is coming to an end.  Three spots were visible near the Eastern limb during my session despite the bad seeing, which I expect to be named an Active Region tomorrow.  In addition we see a small prom at the SW limb and a few filaments in the North and South.

2018-10-12-1340_8-TR-540nm-NewSpt.jpg 2018-10-12-1355_7-TR-Ha-NweRegion.jpg 2018-10-12-1348_6-TR-CaK-NewArea.jpg

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2018-10-12-1400_5-TR-Ha-NE-NW-SFilam.jpg 2018-10-12-1402_0-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg

October 7, 2018 on 10:16 am | In Sun | Comments Off

The clouds cleared, but my WL image was still impacted by the remnants of the last cloud.  Another spotless day but the series of filaments in the South started to turn to the Western edge of the Sun transforming to some nice prominences. In addition a small prom at the NW limb.  For the rest it is mostly quiet.

2018-10-07-1312_8-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-10-07-1321_2-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-10-07-1318_3-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-10-07-1323_0-TR-Ha-SSWFilaprom.jpg 2018-10-07-1325_4-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg

October 6, 2018 on 11:21 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing.  No spots today, so we reached another milestone in the transition from Solar Cycle 24 to Cycle 25.  We now recorded spotless day 300.  The filaments on the Southern hemisphere really look nice and today we also still have the small prom on the SSW limb, but other than that….. its quiet…

2018-10-06-1316_3-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-10-06-1322_9-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-10-06-1319_5-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-10-06-1326_1-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2018-10-06-1327_5-TR-Ha-SSWProm.jpg

October 5, 2018 on 11:00 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with excellent seeing this morning.  AR2723 has pretty much arrived at the Western limb. Its plage can still slightly be seen in CaK but I did not notice it in WL or Ha. The filaments still show nicely  and a small prom shows at the SW limb. Total Active Region Area for today is 10 millionths containing 1 spot.

2018-10-05-1315_6-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-05-1324_6-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-05-1319_9-TR-CaK-AR2723.jpg

2018-10-05-1327_5-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2018-10-05-1330_9-TR-Ha-CtrFilam.jpg 2018-10-05-1329_1-TR-Ha-SWFilaprom.jpg


October 4, 2018 on 10:11 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing today.  AR2723 has been decaying and is a lot smaller.  Still no flaring while the area moves toward the western limb.  The region is 10 millionths and contains 2 spots.  The southern filament still looks nice and in addition we see a small prominence at the western limb.

2018-10-04-1309_6-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-04-1322_3-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-04-1316_2-TR-CaK-AR2723.jpg

2018-10-04-1312_6-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-04-1325_9-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-04-1316_2-TR-CaK-AR2723Crp.jpg

2018-10-04-1327_6-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2018-10-04-1326_4-TR-Ha-WProm.jpg

October 3, 2018 on 2:51 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing.  Other than the B1.1 flare from yesterday, AR2723 has not produced any other flaring events.  It seems to stay stable with an area of 30 millionths containing 3 spots.  Today we still saw the filaments observed earlier as well as a very faint and small prom at the ESE limb.

2018-10-03-1505_2-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-03-1514_5-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-03-1510_5-TR-CaK-AR2723.jpg

2018-10-03-1507_4-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-03-1516_8-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-03-1510_5-TR-CaK-AR2723Crp.jpg

2018-10-03-1517_3-TR-Ha-SSEFilam.jpg 2018-10-03-1516_3-TR-Ha-CntrFilam.jpg 2018-10-03-1518_0-TR-Ha-NWFilam.jpg


October 2, 2018 on 11:45 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with average seeing.  The activity I observed on the 29th developed some growing  pores which were named the next day as AR2723.  Its size developed from 10 to 30 millionths and now contains 4 spots.  Today’s images show the full disk images with close ups in the three wavelengths of AR2723 as well as two filaments and a nice prom at the NE limb. Today was the first day where some flaring was reported. So far only one B1.1 flare.

2018-10-02-1402_7-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-02-1413_5-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-02-1409_4-TR-CaK-AR2723.jpg

2018-10-02-1404_7-TR-540nm-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-02-1416_1-TR-Ha-AR2723.jpg 2018-10-02-1409_4-TR-CaK-AR2723Crp.jpg

2018-10-02-1419_0-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg 2018-10-02-1417_2-TR-Ha-SEFilam.jpg 2018-10-02-1416_4-TR-Ha-NWFilam.jpg

September 29, 2018 on 4:33 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The clouds cleared up a bit but my session was delayed.  Seeing ranged from above average to below average. Because of the interruptions by the clouds, my session of today spanned from CR2208 into CR2209 (the last image).   Another spotless day.  Although a little activity could be seen in Ha and CaK, I did not make a close up in WL.  A nice prominence was visible at the SE limb.

2018-09-29-1344_9-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-09-29-1351_8-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-09-29-1347_4-TR-CaK.jpg

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