September 9, 2018 on 1:28 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning with average seeing conditions.  Solar Activity remains Very Low, but we do have a new named Active Region AR2721, which started forming yesterday. It covered an area of 10 millionths and the spot count is 6 for a Wolf Number of 16.  This is after a 10 day spotless streak.  In addition, the NE prom is still nicely visible but the SW prom from yesterday has mostly turned around the edge.

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September 8, 2018 on 12:35 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with average seeing this morning.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  Around 5 UT this morning, a few very small pores started popping up which were very noticeable at the time of my observations.  In addition we have some nice prominences at the NE and SW limbs for another day.  Full disk images today in the three wavelengths with close ups of the mentioned regions.

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September 7, 2018 on 9:44 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies after a few cloudy days.  Solar  Activity is still Very Low on spotless day 281, although the Sun produced an A2 flare yesterday.  Filaments have mostly disappeared but a few remnants still can be observed.  However, a very nice Prom, which was one of the nice filaments of a few days ago, is shown on the SW limb. So it is still worth to get your scope out!

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September 3, 2018 on 9:56 am | In Sun | Comments Off

A challenging imaging session this morning. Lots of clouds with mostly below average seeing. The Sun is real quiet today. A few filaments can still be seen and the same proms at the NW and SE limbs from yesterday can still be seen.

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2018-09-03-1246_0-TR-Ha-SE-NWProms.jpg 2018-09-03-1245_2-TR-Ha.jpg

September 2, 2018 on 3:00 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Mostly over casted skies with below average seeing conditions. Solar Activity remains at Very Low with no activity over the last two days.  A few scattered filaments of which I captured one near the Southern limb and two prominences at he NW and SW limb. Otherwise the Sun is quiet on spotless day 276.

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September 1, 2018 on 5:57 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing.  No reported Solar activity in the last two days. The Sun is really quiet.  A few faint filaments can be observed and two proms.  One at the NW limb and a real faint one at the SE limb.  A few faint light areas can also be seen at the Eastern limb in WL and CaK.

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August 30, 2018 on 2:52 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The clouds gave way to a clear patch in the sky. However, seeing stayed around average.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.  Today is spotless day 273 since solar max.  The filaments from yesterday are breaking down a bit more and we see only a very faint prom at the SE limb.  Bottom line:  A quiet Sun.

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August 29, 2018 on 10:28 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with average seeing.  AR2720 can barely been seen in Ha and CaK at the Western limb.  Solar Activity is Very Low.  Even the nice northern filament is breaking apart.  However, a nice filaprom is visible at the NE limb as well as a small filament near the SE limb.

2018-08-29-1238_2-TR-540nm-AR2720.jpg 2018-08-29-1246_7-TR-Ha-AR2720.jpg 2018-08-29-1242_0-TR-CaK-AR2720.jpg

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August 28, 2018 on 11:42 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies, with seeing conditions below average.  Solar Activity remains Very Low and today we only report two sunspots in AR2720 as the regions is getting ready to turn to the far side.  Total Active Region area for today is 50 millionths.  Despite the low solar activity, we keep getting some nice filaments and prominences.

2018-08-28-1331_8-TR-540nm-AR2720.jpg 2018-08-28-1342_4-TR-Ha-AR2720.jpg 2018-08-28-1338_7-TR-CaK-AR2720.jpg

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2018-08-28-1349_2-TR-Ha-SEProm.jpg 2018-08-28-1348_4-TR-Ha-EProm.jpg

August 27, 2018 on 11:18 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning with good seeing conditions.  AR2719 and AR2720 are moving closer to the Western limb and are smaller today.  Total Active Region Area for the day is 70 millionths with a total number of sunspots of 6.  The magnetogram shows that the polarity of AR2720 is not lined up with Solar Cycle 24 spots, but reverse which indicates that this might be a Cycle 25 spot.  This however is not the first such spot.  The first Cycle 25 spot was observed on December 20, 2016, and was named AR2620.  A full 100 spots, and 18 months ago.

2018-08-27-1241_1-TR-540nm-AR2719-20.jpg 2018-08-27-1252_3-TR-Ha-AR2719-20.jpg 2018-08-27-1249_0-TR-CaK-AR2719-20.jpg

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