December 29, 2017 on 3:08 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies with good seeing conditions.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2692 can still be seen as plage at the NW limb, while a small new bright area starts showing at the Eastern limb.  No Active region reported today so we continue with spotless day 137. Close ups today of the mentioned areas in all three wavelengths.

2017-12-29-1633_1-TR-540nm.jpg 2017-12-29-1639_8-TR-Ha.jpg 2017-12-29-1649_3-TR-CaK.jpg

2017-12-29-1633_1-TR-540nm-ELimb.jpg 2017-12-29-1641_9-TR-Ha-ELimb.jpg 2017-12-29-1649_3-TR-CaK-ELimb.jpg

2017-12-29-1633_1-TR-540nm-NWLimb.jpg 2017-12-29-1642_3-TR-Ha-NWLimb.jpg 2017-12-29-1649_3-TR-CaK-NWLimb.jpg


December 19, 2017 on 8:48 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Low fast clouds tracking through, but enough time between them for a quick session with average seeing. Solar Activity remains Very Low on with no flares in the last two days. However we see two small regions with two pores which tomorrow might be named.  These regions are visible in Ha as well as in CaK and the spots are clearly visible in visible light also. In addition, we have a nice filament at the Eastern limb and some prominences at the NE and NW limbs.

2017-12-19-1511_2-TR-540nm_001.jpg 2017-12-19-1518_3-TR-Ha-NN_001.jpg 2017-12-19-1527_2-TR-CaK-NN_001.jpg

2017-12-19-1513_1-TR-540nm-NN_001.jpg 2017-12-19-1520_4-TR-Ha-NEProm_001.jpg 2017-12-19-1527_2-TR-CaK-NNCrp_001.jpg

2017-12-19-1521_0-TR-Ha-NNEFil_001.jpg 2017-12-19-1521_2-TR-Ha-NFil_001.jpg 2017-12-19-1522_2-TR-Ha-EFilam_001.jpg


December 16, 2017 on 1:03 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Scintillation was bad at times this morning, but overall seeing was average. Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in a number of days. No Active Region today with no spots for Spotless Day 132.  Ha shows us some nice activity with a very nice prominence that is coming around the NE edge as well as a few small filaments around the solar disk.

2017-12-16-1443_5-TR-540nm.jpg 2017-12-16-1447_3-TR-Ha.jpg 2017-12-16-1457_8-TR-CaK.jpg

2017-12-16-1451_1-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg 2017-12-16-1449_1-TR-Ha-2.jpg 2017-12-16-1449_6-TR-Ha-NWFilam.jpg

2017-12-16-1450_1-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2017-12-16-1454_3-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2017-12-16-1452_3-TR-Ha-EFilam.jpg


December 14, 2017 on 5:48 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning with good seeing conditions. Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days. The small Active Region AR2691 has disappeared and a small plage remains, so today we log spotless day 130. Two nice prominences show at the Eastern limb and a nice filament as well.  Images in all three wavelengths today with close ups of the mentioned regions.

2017-12-14-1440_8-TR-540nm.jpg 2017-12-14-1445_5-TR-Ha.jpg 2017-12-14-1459_2-TR-CaK.jpg

2017-12-14-1451_8-TR-Ha-oldAR2691.jpg 2017-12-14-1449_2-TR-Ha-3.jpg 2017-12-14-1451_0-TR-Ha-EPromFil.jpg

2017-12-14-1448_2-TR-Ha-2.jpg 2017-12-14-1451_6-TR-Ha-EPlage.jpg 2017-12-14-1454_4-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg


December 13, 2017 on 3:30 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies but scintillation was bad at times, causing seeing to be variable.  We still report the one Active Region, AR2691, covering 10 millionths with three spots.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no activity in the last two days.  The nice wide prom is turning closer to the eastern limb and we can see it grow in size above the eastern limb. Another nice prom and a few filaments give the sun some character today.

2017-12-13-1431_6-TR-540nm-AR2691.jpg 2017-12-13-1436_2-TR-Ha-AR2691.jpg 2017-12-13-1450_4-TR-CaK-AR2691.jpg

2017-12-13-1439_5-TR-Ha-EProm.jpg 2017-12-13-1438_0-TR-Ha-AR2691.jpg 2017-12-13-1440_9-TR-Ha-NEFilaProm.jpg


December 12, 2017 on 3:27 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with wind gusts up to 28 mph and poor seeing. The small pore from two days ago developed into a small  Active Region, AR2691.  It covers 10 millions and changed from one to three small sunspots. Other than that we have a nice prom just inside the eastern edge and a few prominences on the eastern side of the solar disk.

2017-12-12-1457_3-TR-540nm-AR2691.jpg 2017-12-12-1502_7-TR-Ha-AR2691.jpg 2017-12-12-1520_0-TR-CaK-AR2691.jpg

2017-12-12-1506_3-TR-Ha-AR2691.jpg 2017-12-12-1507_1-TR-Ha-ERegion.jpg 2017-12-12-1507_8-TR-Ha-EFilaPrm.jpg

2017-12-12-1508_3-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg 2017-12-12-1508_6-TR-Ha-NNEProm.jpg 2017-12-12-1520_0-TR-CaK-AR2691Crp.jpg

December 10, 2017 on 4:01 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Finally the sun again at the time of my observing session, but with poor seeing conditions. The Sun has been quiet with a brief and small Active Region four days ago for two days. Today we see a small area again in Ha which might result in a small pore.  In addition to a few small northern filaments, we see a few prominences around the solar disk.  Today full disk images in the three wavelengths, as well as close ups of the mentioned regions and prominences.

2017-12-10-1447_0-TR-540nm.jpg 2017-12-10-1452_0-TR-Ha.jpg 2017-12-10-1506_6-TR-CaK.jpg

2017-12-10-1500_7-TR-Ha-SEProms.jpg 2017-12-10-1454_5-TR-Ha-NFilam.jpg 2017-12-10-1454_9-TR-Ha-3.jpg

2017-12-10-1500_1-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg 2017-12-10-1457_5-TR-Ha-ESEProm.jpg 2017-12-10-1458_0-TR-Ha-SSEProm.jpg


November 28, 2017 on 2:45 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another day with clear skies and the seeing is good.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2689 remains at a size of 60 millionths and 5 spots. The huge filament is getting ready to turn to the far side of the Sun.  A few more filaments remain and some small proms at the Western limb.

2017-11-28-1443_0-TR-540nm-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-28-1450_1-TR-Ha-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-28-1459_9-TR-CaK-AR2689.jpg

2017-11-28-1446_1-TR-540nm-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-28-1453_3-TR-Ha-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-28-1459_9-TR-CaK-AR2689Crp.jpg

2017-11-28-1453_9-TR-Ha-Filam.jpg 2017-11-28-1454_4-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2017-11-28-1455_3-TR-Ha-HugeFilam.jpg

November 27, 2017 on 6:50 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another clear day, with seeing going from good to bad scintillation. Solar Activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2689 has increased to 60 millionths and contains 5 sun spots. Did not see any prominences at the time of observing but the filaments were abundant.

2017-11-27-1501_9-TR-540nm-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-27-1510_1-TR-Ha-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-27-1518_4-TR-CaK-AR2689.jpg

2017-11-27-1505_2-TR-540nm-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-27-1512_2-TR-Ha-AR2689.jpg 2017-11-27-1518_4-TR-CaK-AR2689Crp.jpg

2017-11-27-1512_8-TR-Ha-Filams.jpg 2017-11-27-1514_0-TR-Ha-HugeFilam.jpg 2017-11-27-1512_5-TR-Ha-NWFilam.jpg

2017-11-27-1513_1-TR-Ha-SEFilam.jpg 2017-11-27-1513_5-TR-Ha-SWFilam.jpg

November 26, 2017 on 8:27 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

I went back in my images and created a composite of the huge prominence from over a month ago.  The composite shows the prom on three consecutive days when it became visible and grew in size as it turned from the far-side of the sun to the Eastern limb.  The images were captured on October 18th, 19, and 20th.


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