August 23, 2017 on 9:18 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Solar Activity is Medium for today with 6 C-class flares in the previous two days.  We have two Active Regions, AR2671 which is an Fsx region and AR2672 which shows as a Dso on the McIntosh scale.  Total Active Region Area for the Sun today is at 520 and the spot count is at 28. Both regions are about the same size, 250 and 270 millionths resp.  In addition we have some small prominences at the Eastern limb as well as a small filament in the NE quadrant.

2017-08-23-1255_1-TR-540nm--AR2671-72.jpg 2017-08-23-1302_5-TR-Ha-AR2671-72.jpg 2017-08-23-1321_1-TR-CaK--AR2671-72.jpg

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2017-08-23-1307_0-TR-HaFilam.jpg 2017-08-23-1309_1-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg

August 21, 2017 on 6:45 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

And then to wrap it up, I imaged egress.  Again please visit my gallery for all the images.  It was an extreme exiting experience with the crowd around cheering when totality arrived and looking at the chromosphere around the Sun was unforgettable.  Can’t wait for the next one!!

2017-08-21-1843_9-TR-540nm-1_g3_b3_ap18.jpg 2017-08-21-1850_6-TR-540nm-5.jpg 2017-08-21-1900_9-TR-540nm-8.jpg

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August 21, 2017 on 6:38 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

I made an animated GIF of the last few seconds prior to totality.  The first thumbnail links to the animation.  It shows the contours of the Moon’s surface as it approaches the Western limb of the Sun.  When I started imaging totality, my laptop froze and I had to resort to a reboot.  During that time my son made some images of totality with his Canon 7D which are shown here. One of them shows totality, the second the diamond ring.   A real great job!  Thanks Hal.

2017-08-21-1837_4-HR-WL-Crp.jpg 2017-08-21-1838_4-HR-WL-DiamondRing.jpg

August 21, 2017 on 6:30 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

My first choice for the eclipse was Spring City TN, but as I monitored the weather the days before the eclipse, forecast it became clear that chances for cloudless skies were even better just up the road from in South Carolina. Leaving at 4:00 am from my son’s house we ended soon in Walhalla SC, but the Waffle House was in Seneca SC.  After breakfast we found South Cove Park in Seneca and that’s where we were the first ones to setup very close to the center line of the eclipse. Great park, great people.  I am posting a few images during ingress from first contact to the last few seconds prior to totality.  Please go to my gallery to see all images taken during ingress.

2017-08-21-1706_8-TR-540nm-Begin-1.jpg 2017-08-21-1708_3-TR-540nm-2_FirstContact.jpg 2017-08-21-1725_2-TR-540nm-7.jpg

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August 19, 2017 on 8:26 am | In Sun | Comments Off

I am catching up with posting my images from the end of  August.  I fell behind because of the Great American Eclipse.  Solar Activity for this day is Medium with 5 C-class flares in the last two days, of which 3 came from AR2671.  The spot count is 31 and the total Active Region area has increased to 410 millionths. In addition we could see a small filament close to the NE limb as well as a small Prom at the NW limb.

2017-08-19-1321_4-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-19-1329_4-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-19-1342_3-TR-CaK-AR2671.jpg

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2017-08-19-1333_7-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2017-08-19-1334_2-TR-Ha-NWProm.jpg

August 18, 2017 on 3:46 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies today with average seeing.  Solar Activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2671 has evolved to an Fkc region and the number of spots has not changed and still is 20.  Total Active Region Area for today is 280 millionths.  Full disk images today with close ups of AR2671 and the small filaments near the Southern limb as well as a nice prominence at the NE limb.

2017-08-18-1345_9-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-18-1352_3-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-18-1400_2-TR-CaK-AR2671.jpg

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2017-08-18-1355_9-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg 2017-08-18-1354_8-TR-Ha-SWFilam.jpg

August 17, 2017 on 2:48 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A few clouds with less than average seeing.  Solar Activity is Very low today with no flares in the last two days.  AR2671, which now is an Ehc area,  has grown to an area of 380 millionths and contains 20 spots.  The small filaments near the Southern limb are still very distinct and both the NE and SW limbs show nice prominences. Full disk images today and close ups of the mentioned features.

2017-08-17-1353_9-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-17-1401_8-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-17-1411_5-TR-CaK-AR2671.jpg

2017-08-17-1356_1-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-17-1411_5-TR-CaK-AR2671Crp.jpg

2017-08-17-1406_3-TR-Ha-5.jpg 2017-08-17-1407_5-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2017-08-17-1407_0-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg

August 16, 2017 on 7:55 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A short session this morning.  Solar Activity is Low with 1 C-class flare in the last two days.  AR2671 is 170 millionths with 11 Sunspots.  We have a few prominences at the NE and SW limb and a few filaments.  Full disk images today in the three wavelengths as well as close ups of the mentioned features.

2017-08-16-1225_2-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-16-1231_3-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-16-1241_8-TR-CaK-AR2671.jpg

2017-08-16-1227_7-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-16-1233_8-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-16-1241_8-TR-CaK-AR2671Crp.jpg

2017-08-16-1237_1-TR-Ha-NEProm.jpg 2017-08-16-1234_3-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2017-08-16-1237_8-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg

August 15, 2017 on 8:58 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with a few clouds and average seeing.  After AR2670 has turned to the far side of the Sun, AR2671 has now emerged at the Eastern limb as an Eai Active Region on the McIntosh scale, containing 11 Sunspots, and covering an area of 170 millionths. A few small filaments remain visible of which I imaged the NE filament.  Did not see any prominences. Full disk images today as well as close ups of AR2671.

2017-08-15-1334_4-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-15-1339_8-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-15-1346_4-TR-CaK-AR2671.jpg

2017-08-15-1336_2-TR-540nm-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-15-1341_4-TR-Ha-AR2671.jpg 2017-08-15-1346_4-TR-CaK-AR2671Crp.jpg


August 13, 2017 on 3:10 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Conditions went from intermittent clouds to light cloud cover with poor seeing.  AR2670 is arriving at the Western limb and is barely visible in Ha and CaK (probably because of the deteriorating sky conditions).  Total Active Region Area for today is 100 millionths and the spot in AR2670 is still a Hsx on the McIntosh scale. We still can see the filament near the S limb, and a few nice prominences are also visible.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.

2017-08-13-1413_2-TR-540nm-AR2670.jpg 2017-08-13-1420_3-TR-Ha-AR2670.jpg 2017-08-13-1453_1-TR-CaK-AR2670.jpg

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