December 29, 2016 on 3:04 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The clear Sky Chart predicted that the clouds would break between 10 and 11 local and it did, but seeing was still bad.  AR2621 was barely visible while turning to the far side.  Some filaments visible on the NE, NW and South.  Solar Activity is Very Low and the Total Active Region Area is 10 millionths.  AR2621 showed 4 spots.  Today’s images include full disk as well as close ups at 2x magnification.

2016-12-29-1543_5-TR-540nm-AR2621.jpg 2016-12-15-1515_2-TR-Ha-AR2617-18.jpg 2016-12-29-1604_3-TR-CaK-AR2621.jpg

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2016-12-29-1556_0-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2016-12-29-1557_3-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg 2016-12-29-1604_3-TR-CaK-CtrPlage.jpg

December 25, 2016 on 10:58 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Today is Christmas days and wow, this happens not often.  I forgot to post my images from the 23rd!!   Too busy prepping for Christmas….  In the meantime we also had 2 spotless days again.  We had clear skies with seeing below average.  Solar Activity stays Very Low.  AR2620 was turning to the far side and barely visible in WL.  Today’s images include full disk images, close ups of AR2620 some filaments and unnamed regions.

2016-12-23-1506_9-TR-540nm-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-23-1517_6-TR-Ha-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-23-1529_2-TR-CaK-AR2620.jpg

2016-12-23-1511_9-TR-540nm-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-23-1519_8-TR-Ha-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-23-1529_2-TR-CaK-AR2620Crp.jpg

2016-12-23-1520_7-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2016-12-23-1529_2-TR-CaK-.jpg

December 22, 2016 on 2:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Cloudy skies this morning, but a hole big enough for a complete observing/imaging session.  Seeing conditions were much better than yesterday!  Solar Activity is Very Low.  There is only one region, AR2620, covering 50 millionths with a spot count of 5.  I still could make out two pores from yesterday in WL, but the others were gone.  Today full disk images and close ups of the mentioned regions as well as some filaments in the NE quadrant.

2016-12-22-1557_3-TR-540nm-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-22-1605_9-TR-Ha-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-22-1615_7-TR-CaK-AR2620.jpg

2016-12-22-1611_6-TR-Ha-Filam.jpg 2016-12-22-1611_0-TR-Ha-Pores.jpg 2016-12-22-1608_5-TR-Ha-AR2620A.jpg

2016-12-22-1601_9-TR-540nm-Pores.jpg 2016-12-22-1559_9-TR-540nm-AR2620.jpg

2016-12-22-1615_7-TR-CaK-Plages.jpg 2016-12-22-1615_7-TR-CaK-AR2620Crp.jpg

December 21, 2016 on 7:01 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

After 6 days of clouds and rain, some clear skies again with terrible seeing conditions. During this period we’ve had two more “Spotless” days, bringing the total for this year to 30.   Solar activity is Very Low.  Total Active Region Area is 10 millionths and the spot count is four spots.  During my observation I saw two more areas with s few pores towards the center of the disk and we will keep an eye on them to see what happens.  Today full disk images with the Ha being very low quality. and some close ups of the mentioned regions.

2016-12-21-1504_1-TR-540nm-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-21-1514_4-TR-Ha-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-21-1525_9-TR-CaK-AR2620.jpg

2016-12-21-1507_2-TR-540nm-Pores.jpg 2016-12-21-1519_6-TR-Ha-AR.jpg 2016-12-21-1525_9-TR-CaK-Pores.jpg

2016-12-21-1506_4-TR-540nm-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-21-1518_4-TR-Ha-AR2620.jpg 2016-12-21-1525_9-TR-CaK-AR2620Crp.jpg


December 15, 2016 on 2:04 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies today with high wind gusts and bad seeing.  AR2617 is ready to turn to the far side and a new small region has popped up and is named AR2618.  Total Active Region Area for today is 80 millionth and we have 5 sunspots.  Today’s images include full disk images and close ups of the mentioned regions as well as a nice filament on the NE quadrant.

2016-12-15-1453_0-TR-540nm-AR2617-18.jpg 2016-12-15-1515_2-TR-Ha-AR2617-18.jpg 2016-12-15-1530_5-TR-CaK-AR2617-18.jpg

2016-12-15-1506_5-TR-540nm-AR2618.jpg 2016-12-15-1530_5-TR-CaK-AR2617-18Crp.jpg 2016-12-15-1521_9-TR-Ha-AR2617-18.jpg

2016-12-15-1530_5-TR-CaK-PlageEQuad.jpg 2016-12-15-1518_2-TR-Ha-AR2617-18.jpg

December 10, 2016 on 1:00 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with seeing as to be expected with the low Sun.  Solar Activity is Very Low again today.  Last report showed one Region AR2615 with an area of 60 millionths and 2 spots.  However today I could not make out any Regions, but one small pore.  Images today include full disk images and close ups of the pore in WL and a few Proms and a filament in the NW quadrant.

2016-12-10-1508_1-TR-540nm-1.jpg 2016-12-10-1518_0-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2016-12-10-1527_0-TR-CaK-1.jpg

2016-12-10-1510_7-TR-540nm-2.jpg 2016-12-10-1520_8-TR-Ha-2.jpg

December 9, 2016 on 2:52 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, but the seeing stays below average with the Sun at an altitude of 20 degrees during my session.   The Solar Activity remains Very Low. We still have one Active Region AR2615, and I noticed a pore. The Active Region Area for today is 60 millionths and we have four sunspots, while AR2615 is moving to the far side of the Sun. It just can be made out in the close ups and best in the WL image. The nice prom from two days ago is gone and we have a small prom on the SW limb. As usual, full disk images and close ups of the mentioned regions.

2016-12-09-1420_2-TR-540nm-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-09-1430_6-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-09-1452_5-TR-CaK-AR2615.jpg

2016-12-09-1433_8-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-09-1436_7-TR-Ha-pore.jpg 2016-12-09-1442_7-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg

2016-12-09-1422_9-TR-540nm-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-09-1452_5-TR-CaK-AR2615Pore.jpg 2016-12-09-1425_2-TR-540nm-pore.jpg

December 7, 2016 on 12:54 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

After five days of clouds and well needed rain, the skies are clear again.  Seeing was for the most part average but below average for the WL session.  Solar Activity is still Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  We have one Active Region left AR2615 with a size of 170 millionths and 14 spots.  Today’s images include the usual WL and narrow band images and the Western limb showed some very nice prominence from a few eruptive prominences to a detached prom,  This image is included in today’s images also.

2016-12-07-1429_1-TR-540nm-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-07-1439_2-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-07-1454_8-TR-CaK-AR2615.jpg

2016-12-07-1433_4-TR-540nm-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-07-1441_4-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-07-1454_8-TR-CaK-AR2615Crp.jpg


December 2, 2016 on 3:19 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Seeing is not good with the Sun so low in the sky.  Solar Activity is Very Low again with no Flares in the last two days.  We have three Active Regions, AR2612,14 and 15 with a total active region Area of 260 millionths and a sunspot count of 19.  In addition, there are some pores North of AR2614 and some filaments, mainly in the Western and NE quadrants.  Today, full disk images as well as close ups of the mentioned regions.

2016-12-02-1505_9-TR-540nm-AR2612-14-15.jpg 2016-12-02-1518_8-TR-Ha-AR2612-14-15.jpg 2016-12-02-1532_0-TR-CaK-AR2612-14-15.jpg

2016-12-02-1508_9-TR-540nm-AR2612.jpg 2016-12-02-1521_5-TR-Ha-AR2612.jpg 2016-12-02-1532_0-TR-CaK-AR2612-14.jpg

2016-12-02-1512_3-TR-540nm-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-02-1523_5-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-02-1532_0-TR-CaK-AR2615.jpg

2016-12-02-1509_6-TR-540nm-AR2614.jpg 2016-12-02-1522_5-TR-Ha-AR2614.jpg 2016-12-02-1510_0-TR-540nm-NotNamed.jpg

December 1, 2016 on 2:13 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

We got some much needed rain but the seeing is still below average this morning.  We have three active regions, AR2612, 14 and 15 and the Solar Activity is Medium.  We had 4 C-class flares in the last two days in AR2615 and on the 29th, the same region produced two M1-class flares. However, it has been since July 23rd since we’ve had an R2 alert (Flare > M5). Total Active Region Area is 230 millionths and the spot count has increased dramatically to 45 mainly contributed to AR2612.   Today full disk images as well as close ups of the mentioned regions.

2016-12-01-1425_8-TR-540nm-AR2612-14-15.jpg 2016-12-01-1434_4-TR-Ha-AR2612-14-15.jpg 2016-12-01-1446_1-TR-CaK-AR2612-14-15.jpg

2016-12-01-1428_3-TR-540nm-AR2612.jpg 2016-12-01-1440_0-TR-Ha-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-01-1446_1-TR-CaK-AR2615.jpg

2016-12-01-1429_5-TR-540nm-AR2615.jpg 2016-12-01-1437_1-TR-Ha-AR2612.jpg 2016-12-01-1446_1-TR-CaK-AR2612-14.jpg

2016-12-01-1428_9-TR-540nm-AR2614.jpg 2016-12-01-1439_0-TR-Ha-AR2614.jpg

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