May 30, 2016 on 5:32 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with a few thin clouds here and there.  Seeing 6/10.  Flare activity has picked up a little so today the Solar activity is Low with four C-class flares in the last two days.  Still two active regions AR2548 and 49, but AR2548 is turning to the far side today.  Total active region area is at 80 millionths with five Sunspots between the two areas.  Today three full disk images and a few close ups of AR2549 and some areas with some pores.  I also captured some data with the C11, but will have to see how that will come out.

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May 28, 2016 on 2:31 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies with Seeing at 6/10.  Solar activity is Very Low with no C-class flares, and only three B-class flares in the last two days.  So the Sun is quiet.  However the area around AR2548 looks really interesting, and not to forget some nice filaments and a looping prominence at the Western limb. Total active region area today is down to 130 millionths and we have only 9 sunspots.  Full disk images in three wavelengths as well as close ups of AR2548 and a possible region to be named.  In addition a close up of AR2548 through the C11 at a focal length of 5600mm.

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May 27, 2016 on 10:38 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Pretty cloudy and hazy today so seeing was best at 3/10 and I skipped the Ha close up.  The Solar activity is Low today with only two C-class flares yesterday, a C1.1 and a C1.0.  Two regions AR2546 and 2548 with a total area of 420 millionths and 10 Sunspots total.  Today three full disk images and a closup of AR2546 in WL and CaK.

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May 25, 2016 on 10:58 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Thin Cirrus Clouds and high flying hawks today. Seeing 6/10.  Solar activity is at Very Low with no C-class flares in the last two days.  Total active region area today is 460 of which AR2546 still claims 450 millionths.  Total spot count today is at 4.  Full disk images again today with close ups of AR2546 and 48 as well as a nice prominence at the NE limb. Also, AR2546 shows nicely the Wilson effect.

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May 24, 2016 on 11:30 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Thin Cirrus Clouds this morning with some holes here or there.  Seeing 7/10.  Solar activity is Low today with 1 C-class flare in the last two days.  AR2546 has decreased in size again, now to 460 millionths, and the Wilson effect is nicely visible especially in the Ha close up.  Only three Sunspots today…..  Three full disk images as well as close ups of AR2546.  I also took the C11 out for a close up of AR2546, but the transparency did not work with me.

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May 23, 2016 on 10:32 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Sunny skies with seeing at 7/10.  Solar activity is Very Low again with no flares in the last two days.  Active region AR2546 is the only one left and while starting to get smaller, it still looks very interesting. AR2546 is today at 480 millionths which is also the total active region area for the Sun.  The number of Sunspots today is only 5.  Full disk images today with close ups of AR2546 in the three wavelengths.

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2016-05-23-1314_1-TR-540nm-2Drizzle15.jpg 2016-05-23-1322_1-TR-Ha-2.jpg 2016-05-23-1328_3-TR-CaK-1A.jpg

May 22, 2016 on 11:12 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Wow, clear skies for a change.  The Sun’s activity is Low with 1 C-class flare in the last two days.  AR2546 has been floating around an area of 450-500 millionths and today increased to 550, the highest it has been, and which is the total Solar Area for today.  Total Sunspots down from 9 to 7.   Today full disk images in the three wavelengths as well as close ups of AR2546.

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May 16, 2016 on 3:22 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

High Cirrus clouds this morning.  Seeing 6/10.  Well, AR2546 came around the corner two days ago and has grown to 410 millionths, but the Solar flare activity is coming from AR2544.  In the last two days we have seen 12 C-class flares, 10 of which came from AR2544, 2 from AR2543, and 0 from AR2546.  The area is still classified as an H region, but has two spots in the meantime. Total Active Region area for the 5 regions today is 770 millionths with 27 sunspots.  Full disk images today as well as close-ups of the regions.

2016-05-16-1355_9-TR-540nm-2.jpg 2016-05-16-1411_1-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2016-05-16-1421_6-TR-CaK-1.jpg

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May 14, 2016 on 1:56 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Caught in the act!!  Clear skies this morning and started my session as usual with WL.  When I switched to Ha, nothing indicated what would follow.  The full disk image was uneventful but after I changed to close ups and finished AR2544, I saw an outburst in AR2543.  This was a very fast C5.6 flare which lasted only 7 minutes total.  However, I got the peak and several images following it of which I am showing 2.  The Sun has becoming much more active over night and has only today already produced 4 C-class flares so the activity is official Medium.  Also a new Region has shown up at the Eastern limb which is very sizable  (AR2546?).  So maybe we are in for some nice activity in the days to come.

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May 13, 2016 on 3:28 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another Sunny day with relative good seeing 8/10.  Solar activity today is Very Low again.  In fact the last C-class flare was 6 days ago and the largest Flare since then a B 9.4 on the 9th. We have 4 Active Regions, AR2542, 43, 44, and 45, with the largest region still being AR2542 and increasing today by 20 to 160 millionths, and a Dai on the McIntosh scale.  Total region area is 350 millionths and total sunspot count is 27.  Today again full disk images in Ha, CaK and WL/540nm with close ups of the mentioned regions.

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