May 13, 2018 on 3:02 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

The skies remain stable.  AR2709 remains at 10 millionths and 1 spot.  A few filaments and proms are visible in Ha and CaK.

2018-05-13-1247_6-TR-540nm-AR2709.jpg 2018-05-13-1253_4-TR-Ha-AR2709.jpg 2018-05-13-1306_5-TR-CaK-AR2709.jpg

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2018-05-13-1257_9-TR-Ha-oldAR2708.jpg 2018-05-13-1300_2-TR-Ha-NWProm.jpg 2018-05-13-1300_5-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg


March 18, 2018 on 6:45 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

A one hour break in the clouds allowed me to capture the Sun today in three wavelengths.  AR2702 is barely visible at the Western limb covering an area of 10 millionths with 5 spots. In addition a filament in the Northern hemisphere and a small prom are visible at the SE limb.

2018-03-18-1411_6-TR-540nm-AR2702.jpg 2018-03-18-1420_0-TR-Ha-AR2702.jpg 2018-03-18-1431_5-TR-CaK-AR2702.jpg

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January 24, 2018 on 2:10 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

The Sun is quiet again today and we reached another milestone on the way to Solar minimum.  We reached spotless day 150. Click the thumbnail below to see the screenshot of the cutout from my data, recorded since January 4th 2014.

September 16, 2017 on 5:48 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Clear Skies again with good seeing.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  Active Region AR2680 covers today an area of 80 millionths while it contains 3 sun spots.  In addition to the single area, two nice prominences are visible at the SE and NE limb.

2017-09-16-1407_0-TR-540nm-AR2680.jpg 2017-09-16-1416_2-TR-Ha-AR2680.jpg 2017-09-16-1426_3-TR-CaK-AR2680.jpg

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September 5, 2016 on 6:36 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

A clear morning with very good seeing.  Solar Activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2585 has become a little smaller with 550 millionths.  Total Active Region Area is at 560 millionths with three regions.  Total sunspot count is at 29.  Mu close up in Ha of region AR2585 today is through the C11 and shows nice details of the penumbra and solar granulation.  Full disk images as well as close ups in the three wavelengths.

2016-09-05-1240_2-TR-540nm-AR2585-86-87.jpg 2016-09-05-1255_9-TR-Ha-AR2585-86-87.jpg 2016-09-05-1305_5-TR-CaK-AR2585-86-87.jpg

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2016-09-05-1305_5-TR-CaK-AR2585-87.jpg 2016-09-05-1305_5-TR-CaK-AR2586.jpg 2016-09-05-1337_2-TR-540nm-AR2585.jpg

June 22, 2016 on 3:01 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

Clear Skies early on with clouds later.  Seeing 7/10.  No flares yet at all today, and only 2 B-class flares on the 21st.  So Solar activity is Very Low.  AR2553 is ready to turn to the far side of the Sun, so not much to observe today.  Three full disk images as well as close ups of the two regions visible, AR2553 and AR2556.  A nice prom visible at the NE limb as well.

2016-06-22-1243_7-TR-540nm-1.jpg 2016-06-22-1254_3-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2016-06-22-1307_5-TR-CaK-1.jpg

2016-06-22-1246_9-TR-540nm-AR2553.jpg 2016-06-22-1259_2-TR-Ha-AR2553.jpg 2016-06-22-1307_5-TR-CaK-AR2553.jpg

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2016-06-22-1303_2-TR-Ha-NE-Limb.jpg 2016-06-22-1247_2-TR-540nm-AR2558.jpg

April 7, 2016 on 3:24 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Clear Skies after the rain.  Seeing 8/10.  Yesterday AR2526 still showed up with 150 millionths, but today AR2528 is the only Active Region visible and its size is 20 millionths, however, the Sun produced two C-class flares in the last 24 hours, making the solar activity Low.  The total Active Region size for the hemisphere is 20 millionths, three spots, and AR2528 has gone from a Cro to a Dro on the McIntosh scale.  Today three full disk images and close ups of the only active region, as well as a close up of the Eastern Limb.

2016-04-07-1409_9-TR-540nm-1.jpg 2016-04-07-1422_1-TR-CaK-1.jpg 2016-04-07-1431_4-TR-Ha-1.jpg

2016-04-07-1413_6-TR-540nm-2.jpg 2016-04-07-1422_1-TR-CaK-1A.jpg 2016-04-07-1447_1-TR-Ha-1.jpg


April 3, 2016 on 7:57 pm | In Uncategorized | Comments Off

Clear Skies, but at times wind gusts caused some instability.  Seeing about 7/10. The Sun’s activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  Only one Hsx sunspot on the solardisk measuring 190 millionths.  However, the filaments and prominences make up for the lack of solar activity.  Today a full disk image in three wavelengths as well as close ups of AR2526 and the proms and filaments.

2016-04-03-1331_3-TR-540nm-1.jpg 2016-04-03-1341_1-TR-CaK-1.jpg 2016-04-03-1348_6-TR-Ha-2.jpg

2016-04-03-1334_8-TR-540nm-2.jpg 2016-04-03-1341_1-TR-CaK-1A.jpg 2016-04-03-1354_1-TR-Ha-3.jpg

2016-04-03-1357_6-TR-Ha-5.jpg 2016-04-03-1358_3-TR-Ha-6.jpg 2016-04-03-1402_8-TR-Ha-8.jpg

March 7, 2016 on 12:58 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Just finished the observing session before the clouds arrived.  Seeing 8/10.  Solar activity is still Very Low today.  The last flare was on March 4th.  BTW this was only a C-1.1 flare.  Total 5 regions today, covering an area of 140 millionths.  Only one 50 millionths area left (AR2513).  Total spot count is 17.   Today again three full disk images and close ups of the regions 2510 and 13, and 2512,14 and 17.

2016-03-07-1508_2-TR-540nm-1.jpg 2016-03-07-1516_1-TR-CaK-1.jpg 2016-03-07-1522_5-TR-Ha-2.jpg

2016-03-07-1511_5-TR-540nm-2.jpg 2016-03-07-1512_3-TR-540nm-3.jpg

2016-03-07-1524_6-TR-Ha-3.jpg 2016-03-07-1525_8-TR-Ha-5.jpg

March 5, 2016 on 8:37 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

A bright clear sky this morning.  Seeing 9/10.  Solar activity is Low with one flare in the last two days.  Active regions have increased to 7 with a total area of 190 millionths supporting 25 sunspots.  The largest active region 2506  has decayed back to 60 millionths and is a Cso again from an Hsx the day before.  Today three full disk images and close ups of the regions, as indicated on the images, in all wavelengths.

2016-03-05-1549_8-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2016-03-05-1557_7-TR-Ha-1.jpg 2016-03-05-1612_2-TR-Ha-6.jpg

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2016-03-05-1552_1-TR-Ha-2.jpg 2016-03-05-1552_6-TR-Ha-3.jpg

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