April 7, 2016 on 3:24 pm | In Sun, Uncategorized | Comments Off

Clear Skies after the rain.  Seeing 8/10.  Yesterday AR2526 still showed up with 150 millionths, but today AR2528 is the only Active Region visible and its size is 20 millionths, however, the Sun produced two C-class flares in the last 24 hours, making the solar activity Low.  The total Active Region size for the hemisphere is 20 millionths, three spots, and AR2528 has gone from a Cro to a Dro on the McIntosh scale.  Today three full disk images and close ups of the only active region, as well as a close up of the Eastern Limb.

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April 5, 2016 on 5:57 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear and good seeing 9/10.  However, the Sun was kind of quiet today.  It now has been over a week since we had a C-class flare, so the activity is Very Low.  AR2526 is getting ready to disappear to the far side of the Sun and although it is still nicely seen in white light, in Ha it is another case and the prominences from the previous days are mostly gone.  Also, AR2527 was very short lived.  Today two Regions with a total active region size of 160 millionths and only three sunspots.  Full disk images today in the three wavelengths as well as close ups in various wavelengths.

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April 4, 2016 on 8:24 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear stable Skies!!  Seeing 8/10.  The Sun shows some more spot activity.  Three Active Regions today, AR2526, 27 and 28.  While AR2526 still is an Hsx, the new AR2528 shows some very small spots and with a size of 10 millionths is a Bxo on the McIntosh scale.  Total Active Region size today is 170 and the sunspots count today 7.  However, no C-class flares in the last two days. Today again full disk images in three wavelengths as well as close ups of the regions proms and filaments.

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April 2, 2016 on 5:23 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A very clear but windy morning.  Seeing approx. 8/10.  AR2526 is still an Hsx on the McIntosh scale, but has decayed now to 180 millionths and supports only one sunspot, which are also the total for today.  It is getting quiet again.  The last C-class flare was 5 days ago so the solar activity is at Very Low.  However, the filament that showed so nice a few days ago now shows up as a nice prom at the SW limb and the Prom at the NE limb still shows very majestic.  Today full disk images in all three wavelengths, and also close ups of the mentioned areas.

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March 30, 2016 on 6:03 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies this morning with thin cirrus clouds and con-trails.  Seeing was average.  Well, we are down to one active region, AR2526, which has increased from 190 to 200 millionths and changed from an Hsx to a Cso, and the number of sunspots today is  at 5.  Solar activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days. Today a full disk image of the Sun in the three wavelengths and close ups of AR2526 in three wavelengths also.  Despite the low activity, the two filaments in the SW quadrant are still putting on a nice display.  However, we are getting ready for a few days of rain… :-(

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March 29, 2016 on 4:20 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Sunny skies with thin cirrus clouds, but seeing was good.  Solar activity is again Low today with only one C-class flare in the last two days.  Two active regions, of which AR2524 is hardly visible and covers only 90 millionths, and AR2526 is also decaying and is reduced to 190 millionths.  Total sunspot count today is 3.  Full disk images in all three wavelengths as well as close ups of AR2426 in all three wavelengths as well as the long filament in the SW quadrant.  The density of the plasma in the filament has shifted West as compared to yesterday.

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March 28, 2016 on 7:08 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

The Sun showed its face again today!  pretty good conditions for observing.  Two Active Regions AR2524 and AR2526 with a total area of 270 millionths.  Solar activity is low with one C-Class flare in the last two days.  Total Sunspot count is 3.  I took the opportunity to image both active regions as well as a nice filament in the SW quadrant with two different barlows, a Meade 140 2x cell and a Klee 3x barlow.  However, I did forget to capture a full disk Ha image :-( . AR2524 is just barely visible as it turns to the far side of the Sun.

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March 23, 2016 on 9:17 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Today something new.  I took my SVC80 refractor, which I normally use for white light observing, and we mounted a Lunt 50mm Ha single stacked etalon in front, and used a BF600 at the eyepiece.  The three images shown are made in this configuration, without additional barlow, and a 2x Meade 140 barlow.  Compare the AR2524 images to yesterday’s image with the SM40 and the 3x barlow.  Today the Sun only shows one active region AR2524 with a total region area of 240 millionths (up a bit from yesterday).  Flare activity is low with one C-class flare in the last two days and a spot count of 3 only!!

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March 22, 2016 on 6:31 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies and the strong wind from yesterday is gone.  Seeing 8/10.  Solar activity is still Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  Total active regions today is two with a total area of 220 millionths and the same number of spots as yesterday: 5.  Today three full disk images as well as close ups of AR2524 and because it was so calm, I even brought the C11 out.  However seeing dropped so the images were disappointing and I am only posting one of them.

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March 21, 2016 on 5:59 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A clear sky, but very windy and unstable seeing.  Solar activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  Total active region area is at 310 millionths with two regions and a total of 5 spots only.  Today three full disk images and a number of close ups of AR2524 as well as a nice prom at the Eastern limb.

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