September 23, 2021 on 1:50 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies!!!  Five named Active Regions today on the last full day of CR2248, a rotation that brought a new milestone.  Yesterday we surpassed the 10,000 Millionths mark for the Total Active Region Areas for a rotation.  During the rotation we also had two days where the Total Daily Active Region Areas passed the 1,000 millionths mark.  And than we have 5 Active Regions today! Wow, it looks like Cycle 25 is in full swing. We have regions in each quadrant of the Sun.  AR2871 in the SE, AR2872 in the NE, AR2873 in the NW and AR2874 and 75 in the SW.  Full disk images today with close ups of all Regions.

2021-09-23-1347_4-ThRmk-540nm-AR2871-72-73-74-75.jpg 2021-09-23-1408_9-ThRmk-Ha-AR2871-72-73-74-75.jpg 2021-09-23-1418_5-ThRmk-CaK-AR2871-72-73-74-75.jpg

2021-09-23-1354_4-ThRmk-540nm-AR2871.jpg 2021-09-23-1412_7-ThRmk-Ha-AR2871.jpg 2021-09-23-1420_0-ThRmk-CaK-AR2871.jpg

2021-09-23-1355_9-ThRmk-540nm-AR2872.jpg 2021-09-23-1413_5-ThRmk-Ha-AR2872.jpg 2021-09-23-1421_1-ThRmk-CaK-AR2872.jpg

2021-09-23-1357_2-ThRmk-540nm-AR2873.jpg 2021-09-23-1413_5-ThRmk-Ha-AR2872.jpg 2021-09-23-1422_0-ThRmk-CaK-AR2873.jpg

2021-09-23-1359_4-ThRmk-AR2874-75.jpg 2021-09-23-1414_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2874-75.jpg 2021-09-23-1422_8-ThRmk-CaK-AR2874-75.jpg

September 14, 2021 on 9:00 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Cloudy days are good for additional work.  So I made a combo image showing the morphology of the two last great regions AR2866 and AR2868 on 7 days, between September 4 and September 13th.  Seven images show the morphology around the 540nm wavelength, 6 Ha images around the Ha line and 5 images around the CaK wavelength.  Each day is indicated on the image as well as the classification of the two areas for that specific day.


September 13, 2021 on 11:10 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with god seeing.  The cirrus clouds have disappeared :-)   We are left with three regions of which I could not see a spot in AR2869.  The two other regions AR2866 and AR2868 are still nicely visible at 200 and 180 millionths, close to the SW limb.  Full disk images and close ups of the mentioned regions as well as a closeup of AR2866 and 68 in 540nm.

2021-09-13-1343_6-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-13-1351_2-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-13-1357_3-ThRmk-CaK-AR2866-68-69.jpg

2021-09-13-1346_5-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-13-1353_5-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-13-1359_0-ThRmk-CaK-AR2866-68-69.jpg


September 12, 2021 on 1:21 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A high cirrus cloud deck in the sky this morning,  Imaging was severely impacted with the CaK image.  The filament that was visible in the Northern hemisphere has decayed but another semicircle of short filaments is visible near the NW limb.  The group of AR2866 and 67 is getting close to the SW limb, and I was unable to see AR2870 visually.  Still an interesting Sun today.

2021-09-12-1403_9-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-12-1414_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-12-1426_2-ThRmk-CaK-AR2866-68-69.jpg

2021-09-12-1407_7-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68.jpg 2021-09-12-1417_6-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg

2021-09-12-1409_9-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-12-1418_5-ThRmk-Ha-NWFilam.jpg

September 11, 2021 on 11:32 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning, the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  A day of remembrance.  AR2870 was short lived and decayed to a plage, and AR2863 was not visible anymore at the time of my observation.  The group of AR2866, 68 and 69 is very interesting and looks very cool in Ha.  Two days ago I mentioned the 2nd time of reaching a total active area of over 1000 millionths since Solar Minimum.  Well yesterday the reported spots and areas by SWPC resulted in a Wolf Number of 124.  This is the first time this number has exceeded 100 since Solar Minimum.  Two records on two successive days. :-)

2021-09-11-1300_0-ThRmk-540nm-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1312_2-ThRmk-Ha-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1321_1-ThRmk-CaK-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg

2021-09-11-1303_2-ThRmk-540nm-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-11-1314_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-11-1323_2-ThRMK-CaK-AR2864.jpg

2021-09-11-1305_4-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1315_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1324_4-ThRmk-CaK-AR2866-68-69.jpg


September 10, 2021 on 1:51 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with great seeing conditions.  The area near the SE limb has also been named as AR2870, and now we have 6 named Active regions. AR2866 produced a B8 class flare while AR2868 produced a B7 class flare and the other regions were either stable or decreased a little. We also see some nice filaments but little prominences at the time (See full disk Ha image) .  At least an interesting Sun today.

2021-09-10-1321_5-ThRmk-540nm-AR2863_64_66_68_69_70.jpg 2021-09-10-1334_1-ThRmk-Ha-AR2863_64_66_68_69_70.jpg 2021-09-10-1343_4-ThRmk-CaK-AR2863_64_66_68_6970.jpg

2021-09-10-1324_4-ThRmk-540nm-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-10-1335_9-ThRmk-Ha-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-10-1347_3-ThRmk-CaK-AR2863.jpg

2021-09-10-1325_8-ThRmk-540nm-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-10-1336_9-ThRmk-Ha-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-10-1348_1-ThRmk-CaK-AR2864.jpg

2021-09-10-1327_3-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-10-1338_0-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-10-1348_8-ThRmk-CaK-AR2866-68-69.jpg

2021-09-10-1327_9-ThRmk-540nm-AR2870.jpg 2021-09-10-1338_8-ThRmk-Ha-AR2870.jpg 2021-09-10-1349_6-ThRmk-CaK-AR2870.jpg

September 9, 2021 on 7:56 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A very brief opening for some WL observations.  Not even enough time to get the close up of the three active regions aligned correctly.  We’re seeing today 5 Active regions AR2863, 64, 66, 68 and 69, for a total daily active region area of 1000 millionths.  This is the third time since Solar Minimum that we reached the 1000 mark. Only two images today in 540nm, the full disk and a close up of AR2866, 68 and part of 69.

2021-09-09-1301_2-ThRmk-540nm-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg 2021-09-09-1307_6-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg

September 5, 2021 on 3:04 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies for the observing session on 9-4-2021 with great seeing.  I had a visitor this morning and we did observe together. Because of this I am a day late with my submissions.  But, here they are.  The Sun was real busy.  AR2863 in the southern hemisphere increased to a nice 160 millionths. The region in the Northern hemisphere was also named as AR2864 and the spot that emerged not far from it as AR2865.  A new area with a number of spots showed near the SE limb has been named in the meantime as AR2866.  Full disk images today with closeups of AR2863, AR2864 and 65, an AR2866 in the three wavelengths.

2021-09-04-1304_7-TR-540nm-AR2863-64-65-66.jpg 2021-09-04-1332_5-TR-Ha-AR2863-64-65-66.jpg 2021-09-04-1357_3-TR-CaK-AR2863-64-65-66.jpg

2021-09-04-1314_7-TR-540nm-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-04-1344_4-TR-Ha-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-04-1402_2-TR-CaK-AR2863.jpg

2021-09-04-1315_5-TR-540nm-AR2864-65.jpg 2021-09-04-1345_0-TR-Ha-AR2864-65.jpg 2021-09-04-1404_4-TR-CaK-AR2864-65.jpg

2021-09-04-1317_1-TR-540nm-NewSERegion.jpg 2021-09-04-1345_5-TR-Ha-NewSERegion.jpg 2021-09-04-1526_1-TR-CaK-NewSERegion.jpg

September 5, 2021 on 11:12 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies during the observing session.  Wow, the Sun is really busy today.  AR2863 still shows nicely, although it has decayed a lot to 90 millionths. AR2864 and 2465 show nicely next to each other in the Northern hemisphere, although I could not make out spots in AR2865. AR2866, AR2867, and AR2868 show in the Southern hemisphere.  AR2866 and 68 in the SE quadrant and AR2867 at the limb in the SW quadrant and only was visible in the CaK observation and close up.

2021-09-05-1253_8-TR-540nm-AR2863-64-65-66.jpg 2021-09-05-1309_6-TR-Ha-AR2863-64-65-66.jpg 2021-09-05-1319_7-TR-CaK-AR2863-64-65-66.jpg

2021-09-05-1300_0-TR-540nm-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-05-1312_3-TR-Ha-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-05-1323_4-TR-CaK-AR2863.jpg

2021-09-05-1259_7-TR-540nm-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-05-1312_9-TR-Ha-AR2864-65.jpg 2021-09-05-1324_4-TR-CaK-AR2864-65.jpg

2021-09-05-1300_7-TR-540nm-AR2866-68.jpg 2021-09-05-1313_6-TR-Ha-AR2866-68.jpg 2021-09-05-1325_4-TR-CaK-AR2866-68.jpg


September 3, 2021 on 11:47 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with good seeing this morning.  AR2860 has turned to the far side of the Sun.  The 540nm and Ha close up show the last areas of the last spots to disappear.  The new area, AR2863, has been active with some low level B-class flares.  The region which I imaged yesterday in the NE quadrant shows a spot this morning but was not named yet at the 1230 UT discussion report of SWPC.  Today full disk images as well as close ups of the mentioned regions.  A nice prom in the NE is also captured in the Ha close up.

2021-09-03-1302_3-TR-540nm-AR2860-63-NERegion.jpg 2021-09-03-1311_8-TR-Ha-AR2860-63-NERgn.jpg 2021-09-03-1322_7-TR-CaK-AR2860-63-NERegion.jpg

2021-09-03-1306_0-TR-540nm-AR2860.jpg 2021-09-03-1313_9-TR-Ha-AR2860.jpg 2021-09-03-1325_0-TR-CaK-AR2860.jpg

2021-09-03-1306_9-TR-540nm-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-03-1315_0-TR-Ha-AR2863.jpg 2021-09-03-1326_1-TR-CaK-AR2860.jpg

2021-09-03-1307_5-TR-540nm-NERegion.jpg 2021-09-03-1317_3-TR-Ha-NERegion.jpg 2021-09-03-1327_3-TR-CaK-NERegion.jpg

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