September 11, 2021 on 11:32 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies this morning, the 20th anniversary of 9/11.  A day of remembrance.  AR2870 was short lived and decayed to a plage, and AR2863 was not visible anymore at the time of my observation.  The group of AR2866, 68 and 69 is very interesting and looks very cool in Ha.  Two days ago I mentioned the 2nd time of reaching a total active area of over 1000 millionths since Solar Minimum.  Well yesterday the reported spots and areas by SWPC resulted in a Wolf Number of 124.  This is the first time this number has exceeded 100 since Solar Minimum.  Two records on two successive days. :-)

2021-09-11-1300_0-ThRmk-540nm-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1312_2-ThRmk-Ha-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1321_1-ThRmk-CaK-AR2863-64-66-68-69.jpg

2021-09-11-1303_2-ThRmk-540nm-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-11-1314_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2864.jpg 2021-09-11-1323_2-ThRMK-CaK-AR2864.jpg

2021-09-11-1305_4-ThRmk-540nm-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1315_4-ThRmk-Ha-AR2866-68-69.jpg 2021-09-11-1324_4-ThRmk-CaK-AR2866-68-69.jpg


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