November 14, 2016 on 1:29 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

High hazy skies from horizon to horizon, probably from the wild fires in North Georgia and further North-West.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.  We have two Cro Active regions, AR2609 and 2610, while AR2608 has turned to the far side.  Total Active Region Area for today is 40 with a total of 8 spots.  Image quality is not good, but I got full disk images and close ups of the regions as well as the Eastern limb.

2016-11-14-1448_3-TR-540nm-AR2608-09-10.jpg 2016-11-14-1459_1-TR-Ha-AR2608-09-10.jpg 2016-11-14-1510_3-TR-CaK-AR2608-09-10.jpg

2016-11-14-1451_6-TR-540nm-AR2609.jpg 2016-11-14-1501_4-TR-Ha-AR2609.jpg 2016-11-14-1510_3-TR-CaK-AR2609.jpg

2016-11-14-1451_9-TR-540nm-AR2610.jpg 2016-11-14-1502_7-TR-Ha-AR2610.jpg 2016-11-14-1510_3-TR-CaK-AR2610.jpg

2016-11-14-1452_3-TR-540nm-E-limb.jpg 2016-11-14-1510_3-TR-CaK-AR2610-Elimb.jpg

November 11, 2016 on 2:33 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Lots of clouds.  Observing session through a thin cloud deck and only WL.  Seeing below average.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.  Total Active Region Area is at 50 millionths and we have a total of 3 sunspots.  AR2607 is getting very close to the Western limb and the two pores to the NE of them have increased in size.  NOAA has not named this area, which is close to the old location of AR2606 before it disappeared a few days ago.  Today my images are limited to the WL images only, since I was unable to get Ha and CaK data.

2016-11-11-1511_7-TR-540nm-AR2607-NN.jpg 2016-11-11-1509_4-TR-540nm-AR2607.jpg 2016-11-11-1512_4-TR-540nm-AR2607.jpg

November 10, 2016 on 3:34 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

No observations the previous two days.  Clear skies with OK seeing, however a lot of smoke yesterday and today from the North Georgia wildfires.  I imaged a plage since November 1st in the Southern hemisphere and yesterday the magnetic activity became strong enough to form two sunspots, which now are named AR2607.  There are also two pores to be seen to the NE of the region.  In addition a pore visible close to the Eastern limb.  Solar Activity is Very Low and the total Active Region Area for the Sun today is 10 millionths with 2 sun spots.  Today full disk images as well as close ups of the mentioned regions.

2016-11-10-1406_0-TR-540nm-AR2607.jpg 2016-11-10-1418_6-TR-Ha-AR2607.jpg 2016-11-10-1431_5-TR-CaK-AR2607.jpg

2016-11-10-1411_0-TR-540nm-E-limb.jpg 2016-11-10-1423_6-TR-Ha-NotNamed.jpg 2016-11-10-1431_5-TR-CaK-E-limb.jpg

2016-11-10-1409_0-TR-540nm-AR2607.jpg 2016-11-10-1420_9-TR-Ha-AR2607.jpg 2016-11-10-1431_5-TR-CaK-AR2607Crp.jpg

November 7, 2016 on 7:15 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Scattered Cirrus clouds and contrails with seeing below average.  Solar Activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2605 and 2606 are still 10 millionths each with 2 and 1 spots.  The large filament associated with the plage in the Southern region is still in tact and some activity is seen near the Eastern limb.  Today full disk images and close ups of some regions in three wavelengths.

2016-11-07-1406_9-TR-540nm-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-07-1416_0-TR-Ha-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-07-1427_7-TR-CaK-AR2605-06.jpg

2016-11-07-1420_4-TR-Ha-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-07-1409_7-TR-540nm-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-07-1427_7-TR-CaK-AR2606.jpg

2016-11-07-1421_3-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-07-1410_7-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-07-1427_7-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg

2016-11-07-1421_9-TR-Ha-S-plage.jpg 2016-11-07-1427_7-TR-CaK-S-Plage.jpg

2016-11-07-1422_6-TR-Ha-ELimb.jpg 2016-11-07-1411_2-TR-540nm-E-Limb.jpg

November 6, 2016 on 1:13 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

High Cirrus clouds today with below average seeing.  Solar Activity is still Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2605 is getting smaller again and still is a Bxo on the McIntosh scale.  Total active region Area for today is 20 millionths and the spot count is 4.  Full disc images today and as well close ups of several regions as mentioned on the images.  In addition, a close up of a prominence at the NW limb.

2016-11-06-1417_9-TR-540nm-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-06-1424_1-TR-Ha-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-06-1440_4-TR-CaK-AR2605-06.jpg

2016-11-06-1420_4-TR-540nm-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-06-1427_0-TR-Ha-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-06-1440_4-TR-CaK-AR2606.jpg

2016-11-06-1419_7-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-06-1426_2-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-06-1440_4-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg

2016-11-06-1432_1-TR-Ha-NW-Prom.jpg 2016-11-06-1427_9-TR-Ha-S-Plage.jpg 2016-11-06-1440_4-TR-CaK-S-Plage.jpg

November 5, 2016 on 1:12 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, but seeing could be a lot better.  Two active regions today AR2605 and 06 and the Solar Activity remains Very Low.  Total Active Region Area today is 30 millionths and we have a total of 5 spots.  The nice filaments from earlier in the week are gone for the most and the Sun looks quiet.  Full disk images today, and close ups of the regions.  The quality, particularly the WL close ups, is getting bad with the low Sun and the amount of atmosphere to dig through with granulation disappearing on the images.

2016-11-05-1420_5-TR-540nm-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-05-1427_4-TR-Ha-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-AR2605-06.jpg

2016-11-05-1433_1-TR-Ha-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-05-1433_8-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-05-1435_4-TR-Ha-S-Plage.jpg

2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-S-Plage.jpg

2016-11-05-1422_8-TR-540nm-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-05-1422_2-TR-540nmAR2605.jpg

November 4, 2016 on 12:09 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies with average seeing.  Solar Activity is Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  We have two Active Regions AR2605 and 06.  Both cover an area of 10 millionths.  AR2605 is a Bxo on the McIntosh scale while AR2606 is an Axx.  So total Active Region area for today is 20 millionths and the spot count is 3.  Full disk images as well as close ups of some regions, including the mentioned ARs.

2016-11-04-1430_4-TR-540nm-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-04-1437_9-TR-Ha-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-04-1448_4-TR-CaK-AR2605-06.jpg

2016-11-04-1442_6-TR-Ha-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-04-1433_0-TR-540nm-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-04-1448_4-TR-CaK-AR2606.jpg

2016-11-04-1440_1-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-04-1432_1-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-04-1448_4-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg

2016-11-04-1432_6-TR-540nm-W-Limb.jpg 2016-11-04-1440_9-TR-Ha-NW-Limb.jpg

2016-11-04-1448_4-TR-CaK-SE-Plage.jpg 2016-11-04-1443_5-TR-Ha-Filament.jpg

November 3, 2016 on 11:58 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, with average seeing. Solar Activity remains Very Low. Yesterday I did not see AR2605, but today it is visible again. SWPC did not report any Active Regions for the beginning of the day, but AR2605 does looked nice again by the time I observed it. In addition the filaments are still visible, although they have deteriorated a bit. Today full disk images as well as close ups of the regions including the filaments.

2016-11-03-1347_2-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-03-1353_0-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-03-1403_1-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg

2016-11-03-1355_9-TR-Ha-CtrFilam.jpg 2016-11-03-1358_3-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-03-1357_5-TR-Ha-W-Limb.jpg

2016-11-03-1348_8-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-03-1349_4-TR-540nm-W-Limb.jpg 2016-11-03-1356_7-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg

2016-11-03-1403_1-TR-CaK-SE-Limb.jpg 2016-11-03-1403_1-TR-CaK-AR2605Crp.jpg

November 2, 2016 on 12:49 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

One of those days with a little poke hole big enough for just one WL image.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.  I could not make out any Sunspots today, but the day started out with one active region AR2605, covering an area of 10 millionths and 2 spots.   I was unable to observe in Ha or CaK, so have no comments about filaments or proms.  One full disk image only today. (Better one than none).


November 1, 2016 on 3:06 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies when I started setting up but when I was ready to image, the Sun was obscured and I had to wait approx. 1 hr. until the skies broke a little.  Solar Activity is still Very Low.  We have one Active Region today AR2605 covering an area of 30 millionths while it shows 2 spots.  Three very nice filaments can be seen mostly on the Eastern hemisphere around AR2605.  Full disk images today and close ups of the mentioned areas as well as the region around the old AR2604.

2016-11-01-1535_9-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-01-1542_6-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-01-1553_8-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg

2016-11-01-1547_9-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2016-11-01-1547_1-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-01-1548_7-TR-Ha-SFilam.jpg

2016-11-01-1537_7-TR-540nm-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-01-1538_6-TR-540nm-Old2604.jpg 2016-11-01-1545_8-TR-Ha-Old2604.jpg

2016-11-01-1553_8-TR-CaK--SEPlage.jpg 2016-11-01-1553_8-TR-CaK-AR2605Crp.jpg 2016-11-01-1553_8-TR-CaK--OldAR2604.jpg

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