November 5, 2016 on 1:12 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, but seeing could be a lot better.  Two active regions today AR2605 and 06 and the Solar Activity remains Very Low.  Total Active Region Area today is 30 millionths and we have a total of 5 spots.  The nice filaments from earlier in the week are gone for the most and the Sun looks quiet.  Full disk images today, and close ups of the regions.  The quality, particularly the WL close ups, is getting bad with the low Sun and the amount of atmosphere to dig through with granulation disappearing on the images.

2016-11-05-1420_5-TR-540nm-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-05-1427_4-TR-Ha-AR2605-06.jpg 2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-AR2605-06.jpg

2016-11-05-1433_1-TR-Ha-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-05-1433_8-TR-Ha-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-05-1435_4-TR-Ha-S-Plage.jpg

2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-AR2605.jpg 2016-11-05-1444_0-TR-CaK-S-Plage.jpg

2016-11-05-1422_8-TR-540nm-AR2606.jpg 2016-11-05-1422_2-TR-540nmAR2605.jpg

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