July 15, 2008 on 7:59 am | In Moon | Comments Off

Here some images of the Moon from the evening of July 11th made at Charlie Elliott. Since my CPC was still in repair, Jon, let me put my camera on the back of his LX200R and run some AVIs of several objects on the moon. The air was very unstable and the wind caused the image to float a lot. The fog drifted in and out again.  However, the results are not too bad.

Moon-A0006 08-07-11 22-16-17_20080711_221736_ST1157_WSL1__0_Txt.jpg  Moon-A0004 08-07-11 22-11-59_20080711_221314_ST897_WSL1__0_9pointalgnTxt.jpg

 Moon-A0005 08-07-11 22-14-25_20080711_221540_ST932_WSL1__0_WV167_320_334_354_347_287_CB100_-10.jpg  Moon-A0007 08-07-11 22-18-13_20080711_221930_ST304_WSL1__0_Txt.jpg


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