November 23, 2008 on 4:50 pm | In Planets, Saturn | Comments Off

Jupiter is getting too low to image from my home, so have to start focussing on Saturn. The forecast for last night was great, but when I finished the setup at 4:30am this morning, a front of clouds was moving in. The temperature was freezing and my fingers felt like they froze off…. Around 5:45am I started shutting my laptop down, but than noticed an area opening up so got ready again.

This is my first Saturn of this apparition season. Not great, but I am happy with the result. Hopefully it will get better when I can spend more time on the imaging under a little higher temperatures :-) .

SaturnA_RGB 08-11-23 06-06-22_20081123_060742_ST926_WSL1_175_Txt.jpg


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