December 30, 2009 on 11:50 am | In Mars, Planets | Comments Off

The forecast was average, but the clouds started to move in already as we were imaging the sun in the afternoon at CE.  When I got out at midnight, the blue moon had a hugh halo caused by a thin (?) cloud cover.  I could faintly see the stars of the constellation Leo.  Since this was the last opportunity to image Mars in 2009 for me, I gave it a shot anyway despite the bad conditions.  I was able to make two series with each filter, but when I finished I could not even see Regulus anymore.  Here the best of the two, and my last image of 2009.  BTW this image is also stacked with Emil’s software.

   MarsA_RGB 09-12-30 00-31-41_castr_10001111_n1_500_A_640_CompTxt.jpg 

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