September 3, 2010 on 10:17 pm | In ISS, Satellites-ISS-Shuttle | Comments Off

Today Frank and I tried for another ISS transit on the center line just at the other side of Hard Labor Creek Park.  We missed the Moon transit earlier this week, because of a storm that came through an hour before.  The sun was active with several sunspots, so we wanted to get these also in the image.  The image sequence was started a minute before the transit and stopped 15 seconds after the transit completed.  The transit accross the sun took 1.25 seconds. The ISS was at a distance of 696 km (435 miles).  At 26.6 Arc Seconds, the diameter of the ISS was 1/72 of that of the sun.  The images show also the active sunspots 1102, 1105 and 1109 at the Western limb of the sun.

   Sun-A0003 10-09-03 17-38-27 - StackColor.jpg  Sun-A0003 10-09-03 17-38-27 - StackColor-07.jpg 

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