March 16, 2013 on 11:29 pm | In Comets | Comments Off

This was our scheduled meeting day. Did not make it to the meeting, but to the observing session after the meeting.  First at the Dove Fields where I stayed until the comet set in the west.  We must have had two dozen visitors that wanted to see the comet. Despite some small clouds at the horizon, they all left having seen the comet through binos and a small telescope and some of them I am sure made some great pictures of the comet.  Here two images (out of 48) one taken at 8:31 the second 18 minutes later at a focal length of 250mm. 

   2013-03-16-20-31PanSTARRS-IMG_9999_33-800.jpg   2013-03-16PanSTARRS-IMG_9999_51-800.jpg 

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