January 18, 2015 on 4:29 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies, but variable gusts of wind making it unstable with seeing around 2/6.    Only a full disk image and a question arises:  Where have all the Sun Spots gone?    AR2259 is reduced to a size of 100 and AR61 and 62 each are only 10, with a total spot count of 19 and only 2 C-class flares in the last two days.  The sun is really quiet today…..


January 18, 2015 on 9:34 am | In Jupiter, Planets | Comments Off

In the evening of January 18th, the Jovian moon Ganymede occulted Europa.  While Ganymede was moving in front of Jupiter towards the Jovian disk, which showed its shadow, Europa came from behind the disk while moving to the right in the sequence.  At 2:34 UT Ganymede occulted Europa.  The seeing conditions were bad up to 1-2 out of 6, but if you want to capture such an event you don’t ask for anything but that you can see it.  I took 12 sets of LRGB captures for a total of 48 images (Just in case).  A total of over 18GB of data, and ended up using only three IR  images.  The moons have been pushed quite a bit to make them come out better.  This was my first capture of Jupiter, and a Mutual Event as well, during the current apparition.  Click the thumbnail to see the animation.


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