February 12, 2015 on 12:49 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Today skies are clear but the seeing is terrible with  fast wind gusts.  Although the total count of sunspots has increased by 5, the total sunspot area is only 510 millionth today and also the number of flares in the last 24 hours is a lot smaller, only 5 flares have been recorded in the three reported active regions of which the two largest are only 240 and 250 millionth. The large filament which we have been observing the last week, shows  a lot less activity.  I am sorry for the bad quality of the images today caused by the bad seeing.

2015-02-12-14397-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap123Comp.jpg 2015-02-12-14420-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap340Comp.jpg

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