March 15, 2015 on 6:58 am | In Sun | Comments Off

I ran some tests with different focal lengths of the SolarMax 40.  Below I show 4 different configurations.  A full disk image at f/6 at 240mm focal length using the 0.5x focal reducer screwed into the camera’s nosepiece.  The next is an image projected directly onto the chip, i.e. in prime focus f/10. Next two images magnified by barlows.  The first one a Meade 140 2x barlow cell screwed into the eye piece of the camera at 710mm fl, the last one, a Klee 3x barlow with the camera mounted onto the barlow at 1300mm focal length.   The Sun was pretty active and even though AR2297 was only 320 millionth, the Sun produced 16 C-class and 1 M-class flare.

2015-03-15-15042-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap221Comp.jpg 2015-03-15-14586-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap183Comp.jpg

2015-03-15-15091-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap205_2xComp.jpg 2015-03-15-15184-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap288_3xComp.jpg

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