May 5, 2015 on 11:25 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

May 5th we retrieved the pinhole camera from East Newton Elementary School.  Everyone was excited to find out what the camera had recorded between February 1st and May 5th.  Here is the result.  One can nicely see the path of the Sun through the sky, the sunny and cloudy days, as well as some scattered clouds.  The period started off with a period of clouds.  (See lower dark end of arcs at right).  Thanks to Mrs. Thompson for arranging for us to bring this project to her school.

May 5, 2015 on 6:39 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies with great seeing for most of my observing session.  The Sun is becoming a lot more active compared to a few days ago.  18 Flares with several M-Class flares and even an X2.7, a count of 45 spots with a total area of 370 millionth.  Today a full disk image with the super large filament and a close up of AR2335 and 2338 in continuum filtered white light.

2015-05-05-14229-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap132.jpg 2015-05-05-14365-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap224Comp.jpg

2015-05-05-15079-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap262Comp.jpg 2015-05-05-14508-TR-Ha_g3_b3_ap100Comp.jpg

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