June 14, 2015 on 4:16 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Today a clear day, which started off with a haze but the sky became relative stable with good seeing.  Today is one of 4 days in a year where at local Noon the Sun stands due South so the equation of time is 0 (difference between Solar time and “Clock” time).  No this is not at 12 o’clock or at one o’clock daily light savings time, but for my location this was  at exactly 35 minutes, 37 seconds after one o’clock.  The Sun’s activity is medium with 2 M-Class flares and 16 C-class flares in the last two days.  All but two came from AR2360 which is just turning to the “back side” of the Sun. 37 Sunspots covering 610 millionths in 6 Active Regions.  The Continuum filtered images show some nice granulation today.

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2015-06-14-14343-TR-WLCont_g3_b3_ap65Comp.jpg 2015-06-14-14364-TR-WLCont_g3_b3_ap68Comp.jpg

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