November 13, 2015 on 6:35 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Friday 11/13, the skies were clear and the seeing was at 8/10.  The sun is quiet with only two C-class flares and two active regions.  Total active region area shows only 9 sunspots covering only 40 millionths in 2448 and 2449.  This is real low.  However the large filament is still there but the Western side has very much decayed, and is almost completely gone, resulting in a very nice horseshoe shaped filament, still very much worth to observe.

2015-11-13-1458_2-TR-540nm-1.jpg 2015-11-13-1503_4-TR-CaK-2.jpg 2015-11-13-1512_3-TR-Ha-1.jpg

2015-11-13-1513_6-TR-Ha-2.jpg 2015-11-13-1516_3-TR-Ha-3.jpg

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