December 30, 2016 on 6:21 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies, with average transparency and below average seeing.  Today is the 34th spotless day since solar maximum.  AR2621 has turned to the far side and the pore mentioned in days before has hardly developed any further. This does not take away that there is nothing to see on the Sun.  There are some small filaments as well as some small pores.  Today’s images include full disk images and close ups using 2 as well as 3x magnification of some of the mentioned areas.

2016-12-30-1500_5-TR-540nm.jpg 2016-12-30-1513_1-TR-Ha.jpg 2016-12-30-1532_0-TR-CaK-.jpg

2016-12-30-1505_1-TR-540nm-NW-Pore.jpg 2016-12-30-1516_4-TR-Ha.jpg 2016-12-30-1532_0-TR-CaK-Pore.jpg

2016-12-30-1518_7-TR-Ha-CtrRegion.jpg 2016-12-30-1532_0-TR-CaK-CtrPore.jpg 2016-12-30-1523_3-TR-Ha-CtrRegion.jpg

2016-12-30-1524_5-TR-Ha-NWPore.jpg 2016-12-30-1517_3-TR-Ha-N-Filam.jpg

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