May 7, 2021 on 10:01 am | In Sun | Comments Off

A new area has turned in view at the North-Eastern limb.  The Region has not been named yet, which is expected later today. However, it has been assigned SDO/HMI tracking number 6323 (HARP).  The Wilson effect can very nicely be observed in the 540nm close up image of this region, as the dark “bottom” is visible all the way to the side of the pen-umbra to the right .  The SE quadrant shows another region not visible in WL, and is  assigned tracking number 6322, but it shows very prominent in the Ha and CaK images without any signs of spots.

2021-05-07-1309_8-TR-540nm-NewRegion.jpg 2021-05-07-1317_6-TR-Ha-NewRgion.jpg 2021-05-07-1324_5-TR-CaK-NewRgn.jpg

2021-05-07-1312_9-TR-540nm-NewNERgn.jpg 2021-05-07-1319_3-TR-Ha-NewNERgion.jpg 2021-05-07-1327_8-TR-CaK-NewNERgn.jpg

2021-05-07-1319_9-TR-Ha-AEArea.jpg 2021-05-07-1329_9-TR-CaK-SEArea.jpg

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