November 10, 2021 on 4:13 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Cloudy skies this morning until it cleared, except for a cloud band close to the sun, which made observations hard and eventually I had to stop. The interruptions made me confused and I used another Barlow lens for the closeup images than I usually do, so don’t compare these images to those from other days.  Only two full disk images and close ups in 540nm.  The three regions were very quiet today.

2021-11-10-1512_2-T-540nm-AR2893-94-95.jpg 2021-11-10-1523_0-T-Ha-AR2893-94-95.jpg

2021-11-10-1514_7-T-540nm-AR2893.jpg 2021-11-10-1515_1-T-540nm-AR2904.jpg 2021-11-10-1515_5-T-540nm-AR2895.jpg

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