June 24, 2009 on 9:09 am | In Jupiter, Planets | Comments Off

The Clear Sky Clock did forecast bad transparency from 1:00 a.m.  until 3:00 a.m.  However, in reallity at 3:00 am it was clear as a bell, but when I finished setting up, clouds had moved in.  Initially scattered, but soon broken.  so imaging was a challenge.  I ended up taking the red and green channels from one run and combined them with the blue from the previous.  The end result is not too bad.  In addition, I was lucky that at that time the GRS was about to transit the CM and Europa was leaving the preceding limb.  Lots of activity in the NEB with spillovers into the NTrZ, notable 2 dark spots, while two dark interactions with the EZ can also be observed while some light storms in the SSTB seem to reach out in the STZ.

JupiterD_RGB 09-06-24 04-08-26_CompTxt.jpg 

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