October 8, 2011 on 11:08 am | In Sun | Comments Off

An early cloud band moved in 15 minutes before the sun rose above the trees to the east, but I found a peek hole big enough for one whole disk image. Had to process it in Registax 5 to make the alignment work.  Active region 1305 is now on the backside, but left a nice prominence at the limb.  The eastern limb also showed some nice activity.  After 2 hours the skies broke some more and I went out and imaged the closeups.

   Sun-Ca-F-046-625-260-Com5 11-10-08 10-28-55InvCrpTxt-800.jpg   Sun-Ca-F-046-625-260-Com5 11-10-08 10-28-55CrpTxt-800.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-I-042-526-430-Com4 11-10-08 12-39-37InvCrpTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-J-046-526-430-Com6 11-10-08 12-41-59InvCrpTxt.jpg  

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