October 17, 2011 on 11:56 am | In Sun | Comments Off

Active Region 1319 is getting real complex.  Sunspots are popping up and flares are all over.  This makes the area which includes AR1214, 19 and 16 very interesting.  Today a closeup of this region and a whole disk image.  Images taken with my Meade 5x barlow create too much movement because of atmospheric impacts in the image to process well the 2x does well, so I might have to look for a lower magnification to get closer images than these.

   Sun-Ha-N-046-625-260-Com1 11-10-17 10-20-18InvCrpTxt-800.jpg   Sun-Ha-N-046-625-260-Com1 11-10-17 10-20-18CrpTxt-800.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-O-046-455-355-Com1 11-10-17 10-27-58InvTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-O-046-455-355-Com1 11-10-17 10-27-58Txt.jpg  

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