October 24, 2011 on 6:49 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Back home from SF to a beautiful sky.  A CME left the Sun on its way to earth while I was away, but the sun still looked great with a very nice prominence which was at the eastern limb.  The closeup image shows the prom together with AR1325 and 30.

   Sun-Ha-D-046-625-260-Com1 11-10-24 11-39-01InvCrpTxt-800.jpg   Sun-Ha-D-046-625-260-Com1 11-10-24 11-39-01CrpTxt-800.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-F-046-769-455-Com5 11-10-24 11-51-54InvCrpTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-F-046-769-455-Com5 11-10-24 11-51-54CrpTxt.jpg

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