October 27, 2011 on 6:04 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

A very nice and busy sun again today.  Two very large proms extending at the Western limb.  One of them towering about as high as 10 earths.  The other about 5.  In addition, a closeup of AR1325 and 30 which has had a beautiful dual umbral & penumbral core structure.

   Sun-Ha-O-244-625-260-Com3 11-10-27 10-40-59InvCrpTxt-800.jpg    Sun-Ha-O-244-625-260-Com3 11-10-27 10-40-59CrpTxt-800.jpg 

   Sun-Ha-P-046-313-260-Com1 11-10-27 10-50-44InvTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-P-046-313-260-Com1 11-10-27 10-50-44Txt.jpg  

   Sun-Ha-Q-265-500-449-Com3 11-10-27 10-54-45InvCrpTxt.jpg   Sun-Ha-Q-248-625-449-Com7 11-10-27 10-57-41InvCrpTxt.jpg  

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