August 5, 2009 on 10:38 am | In Jupiter, Planets | Comments Off

Jupiter w. Bird Strike on August 5, 2009.  The sky completely covered in a matter of 10 minutes when I was ready to start imaging. However, it paid off to look at the moon light painting the movement of the clouds.  After about 1/2 hour the moon showed its face again, but Jupiter kept hanging in the fringes for another 1/2 hour. When the clouds disappeared for 15 minutes, Jupiter still looked like the Stars and Stripes in a nice breeze on my laptop….

But I got my images with Bird’s Strike at the CM.  For the conditions, I am pretty happy with the result :-)

So compare the size of Bird’s Strike to the images I made on July 24th with the “BS” at the CM.  It is stretching out real nice!



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