September 23, 2013 on 8:43 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Another mostly sunny day.  Tried several images of AR1846 and 49, but turbulence in the higher atmosphere did not cooperate.  Basically got only 2 frames which were somewhat decent and you still can see the turbulence in some part of the image. The full disk images were captured 1280×960 with the DMK41 and the Ha SM40, the next two images with the C11 using 3.8uWhitelight and green filters, a 2x barlow and the ASI120MM camera.  The bottom images were captured using the SVC80 with the same filters, barlow and camera.  It gives a good feel for how “small” the areas are we are talking about now.  The largest, AR1846 has decreased in size since yesterday and might be past its maximum.

   Sun-Ha-I-046-313-260-Com1 13-09-23 09-03-32Inv.jpg   Sun-Ha-I-046-313-260-Com1 13-09-23 09-03-32.jpg  

   2013-09-23-1353_6-TR-G-2-Com-640.jpg   2013-09-23-1358_4-TR-G-640-Com.jpg  

   2013-09-23-1431_1-TR-G-134-Com-640.jpg   2013-09-23-1433_5-TR-G-10-Com-640.jpg  

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