November 16, 2016 on 12:47 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies with good seeing for a change.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.  Two regions are named, AR2609 and AR2610.  However, a new area has emerged at the Eastern Limb but has not been named yet.  Total Active Region Area for today is 30 millionths and the total spot count is at 9.  The nice filament has deteriorated a bit and remnants remain.  Full disk images again today with close ups of the mentioned areas. This concludes the observations for Carrington Rotation CR2183.

2016-11-16-1426_8-TR-540nm-AR2609-10.jpg 2016-11-16-1438_9-TR-Ha-AR2609-10.jpg 2016-11-16-1451_2-TR-CaK-AR2609-10.jpg

2016-11-16-1430_6-TR-540nm-NotNamed.jpg 2016-11-16-1445_0-TR-Ha-NotNamed.jpg 2016-11-16-1451_2-TR-CaK-NotNamed.jpg

2016-11-16-1429_3-TR-540nm-AR2610.jpg 2016-11-16-1442_0-TR-Ha-AR2610.jpg 2016-11-16-1451_2-TR-CaK-AR2610.jpg

2016-11-16-1429_8-TR-540nm-OldAR2609.jpg 2016-11-16-1446_0-TR-Ha-Filament.jpg 2016-11-16-1451_2-TR-CaK-AR2609.jpg

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