September 5, 2017 on 10:38 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

30% Cloud cover during my session this morning.  Fireworks have been going off in AR2673.  Solar Activity is High with 11 M-class, and 10 C-class flares in the last two days.  AR2674 has decreased  to 690 millionths, but its spot count has increased to 34, while AR2673 has increased to 680 millionths with28  spots.  Total Active Region Area for today is 1470 millionths and the total spot count is at 72.  The proms at the SE and SW limbs are still very nice.  It has been a long time since we had this much activity on the Sun!

2017-09-05-1358_7-TR-540nm-AR2673_74_75_76_77.jpg 2017-09-05-1404_3-TR-Ha-AR2673_74_75_76_77.jpg 2017-09-05-1413_6-TR-CaK-AR2673_74_75_76_77.jpg

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2017-09-05-1410_5-TR-Ha-SEProm.jpg 2017-09-05-1410_8-TR-Ha-SWProm.jpg

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