September 7, 2017 on 7:30 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear skies, but had only time to observe in the PM.  Well, hurricane Harvey is gone and Irma is knocking at the door!  While these events kept us busy, the Sun has also been very busy.  In fact after a few days of a producing a large number of serious flares, the Sun produced an X9.3 flare in AR2673 yesterday, while the sky was overcast in Atlanta,.  I checked my database and the previous largest flare in the last three years, and probably of the current Solar Cycle, was a X7.0 reported on October 2, 2014. Total solar Activity for today is Very High with 3 X-class flares and 6 M-Class flares in the past two days. Total Active Region Area is at 1690 millionths of which AR2673 accounts for 960. the spot count today is at 39.

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