September 20, 2017 on 8:10 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Below average seeing this morning.  Solar Activity remains Very Low with no flares in the last two days.  AR2680, still an Hsx, covers 50 millionths today as it starts to approach the Western limb. However, a new area has emerged at the Eastern Limb, probably the remnants of 2675 or 76.  The filaments from yesterday are still in tact, but the proms have disappeared with the exception some flaring around the new spot.  Full disk images today with close ups of the mentioned areas.

2017-09-20-1321_7-TR-540nm-AR2680-NN.jpg 2017-09-20-1330_9-TR-Ha-AR2680-NN.jpg 2017-09-20-1340_4-TR-CaK-AR2680-NN.jpg

2017-09-20-1324_0-TR-540nm-AR2680.jpg 2017-09-20-1333_6-TR-Ha-AR2680.jpg 2017-09-20-1340_4-TR-CaK-AR2680.jpg

2017-09-20-1324_6-TR-540nm-AR-NN.jpg 2017-09-20-1334_1-TR-Ha-Filam.jpg 2017-09-20-1340_4-TR-CaK-NN.jpg

2017-09-20-1333_8-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2017-09-20-1336_5-TR-Ha-AR2680Prom.jpg 2017-09-20-1334_4-TR-Ha-Filam.jpg

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