October 5, 2017 on 3:48 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Seeing still below average.  Solar activity at the beginning of the day was Very Low with no flare in the last two days, however, today we did see one C1.0 flare.  Total Active Region area for the Sun is at 430 millionths and total spot count went up from 5 to 7.  Did not see any prominences and the filament from a few days ago has deteriorated even more today.  The filament in the AR2683 and AR2682 area is still nice visible and hopefully will show up nice when the area moves to the far side.

2017-10-05-1408_3-TR-540nm-AR2682-83.jpg 2017-10-05-1415_0-TR-Ha-AR2682-83.jpg 2017-10-05-1422_4-TR-CaK-AR2682-83.jpg

2017-10-05-1410_2-TR-540nm-AR2683.jpg 2017-10-05-1417_6-TR-Ha-AR2683.jpg 2017-10-05-1422_4-TR-CaK-AR2682-83Crp.jpg

2017-10-05-1411_1-TR-540nm-AR2682.jpg 2017-10-05-1417_8-TR-Ha-AR2682.jpg 2017-10-05-1422_4-TR-CaK-AR2682.jpg

2017-10-05-1418_2-TR-Ha-AR2682-83.jpg 2017-10-05-1422_4-TR-CaK-AR2682-83Crp.jpg 2017-10-05-1418_5-TR-Ha-Filam.jpg

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