July 27, 2018 on 10:08 am | In Sun | Comments Off

A few clouds cleared and the seeing was above average. Solar Activity is Very Low and we only see a few filaments and small proms in Ha.  Today’s images include full disk images in the three wavelengths as well as close ups of the Western limb to see how the remnants from AR2716 look like in different wavelengths  before they turn to the far side of the sun.

2018-07-27-1235_7-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-07-27-1245_8-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-07-27-1255_4-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-07-27-1240_5-TR-540nm-WLimb.jpg 2018-07-27-1249_1-TR-HaNWFilam.jpg 2018-07-27-1255_4-TR-CaK-WLimb.jpg

2018-07-27-1251_4-TR-HaNEProm.jpg 2018-07-27-1250_1-TR-HaNEFilam.jpg 2018-07-27-1252_0-TR-HaSEProm.jpg

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