August 5, 2018 on 2:46 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

Clear Skies with good transparency and seeing.  Solar Activity remains Very Low.  The spot in AR2717 from two days ago is gone and a nice plage visible in CaK and Ha remains.  In addition, some nice faculaes at the Eastern limb are noticeable in 540nm. Some filaments can also be observed near the NE limb, while a nice prominence shows at the SW limb. An interesting Sun for spotless Day 263.

2018-08-05-1426_3-TR-540nm.jpg 2018-08-05-1436_5-TR-Ha.jpg 2018-08-05-1432_7-TR-CaK.jpg

2018-08-05-1428_3-TR-540nm-EFaculae.jpg 2018-08-05-1439_3-TR-Ha-EPlage.jpg 2018-08-05-1432_7-TR-CaK-ELimb.jpg

2018-08-05-1429_8-TR-540nm-Pores.jpg 2018-08-05-1439_9-TR-Ha-AR2717.jpg 2018-08-05-1432_7-TR-CaK-AR2717.jpg

2018-08-05-1440_4-TR-Ha-NEFilam.jpg 2018-08-05-1443_1-TR-Ha-Prom.jpg

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