January 1, 2020 on 12:26 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

My first session of the year and decade.  Clear skies with some clouds and below average seeing.  We seem to have a new pore, or area that came around the Eastern limb.  Its location is at a latitude of -35.5 degrees and a longitude of 354.5 degrees.  And guess what?  This one has again reverse polarization.  It was not named in SWPC’s midday discussion, so we’ll see if it makes it as a named active region. A few filaments  and some plages could be observed in CaK, as well as some faint and small proms.  My images today include a close up of the region with two different cameras, a 3x magnification with the ASI174MM and a 2x magnification with the ASI120MM.

2020-01-01-1505_0-TR-540nm.jpg 2020-01-01-1518_9-TR-Ha-NewArea.jpg 2020-01-01-1515_6-TR-CaK-NewArea.jpg

2020-01-01-1525_3-TR-Ha-NewArea.jpg 2020-01-01-1537_0-TR-Ha-NewArea.jpg 2020-01-01-1523_6-TR-Ha-Plage.jpg


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