January 9, 2020 on 2:11 pm | In Sun | Comments Off

It was clear when I started, but after the setup the first cirrus clouds and contrails moved through.  The widely variable transparency made it hard to image.  The same plages from yesterday still showed today. Also, the same area in the NW that started to develop two days ago, still shows a few spots or maybe pores? It has not been named yet, and it was hard to see through the cirrus clouds in the WL closeup.  The filaments near the SW plage have decayed a lot.

2020-01-09-1418_5-TR-540nm-NWArea.jpg 2020-01-09-1435_4-TR-Ha.jpg 2020-01-09-1425_2-TR-CaK.jpg

2020-01-09-1445_8-TR-Ha-SWArea.jpg 2020-01-09-1420_8-TR-540nm-NWArea.jpg 2020-01-09-1444_3-TR-Ha-NWArea.jpg

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