Atlas Rocket Fuel Dump

May 28, 2008 on 1:15 pm | In Satellites, Satellites-ISS-Shuttle | Comments Off

This image was taken on December 10, 2007 at 7:03 pm EST from the Dutch Observatory.


Around 7:00 pm I received a call from Jon Wood. His wife Janet, spottet a large “spot” in the sky. We were all thinking of Holmes, but as we researched the event on the web, it became apparent that we were seeing the fuel dump of the upper stage of an Atlas Rocket who had positioned a spy satelite a few hours before and dumped the remaining fuel before re-entry. Thanks Janet and Jon Wood for the call so we could image this event!!

Camera: Canon XTi (400D)
ISO: 1600
Exposure: 30 sec.
F stop: f/5.6
Focal length: 22 mm

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