July 28, 2020 on 10:04 am | In Sun | Comments Off

A new milestone today!!  This is my 1900st. blog post since I started in 2008.  :-)    In the early days I covered mostly the planets.  Later on I switched to observing. and studying the Sun.  So today we had clear skies, but the seeing was very marginal.   A new Cycle 25 polarized area has come around the Eastern limb.  It contains a small pore and has not been assigned a number yet.  Ar2767 just seems to linger on, while it seems to deteriorate a little.  Today it covers 70 millionths and still has 1 spot.  Today images of the full solar disk and close ups in the three wavelengths of the two areas.  The conditions caused the CaK images to be pretty bad.

2020-07-28-1252_5-TR-540nm-AR2767-Unnamed.jpg 2020-07-28-1300_6-TR-Ha-AR2767-Unnamed.jpg 2020-07-28-1308_9-TR-CaK-AR2767.jpg

2020-07-28-1254_4-TR-540nm-AR2767.jpg 2020-07-28-1302_7-TR-Ha-AR2767.jpg 2020-07-28-1312_7-TR-CaK-AR2767.jpg

2020-07-28-1256_8-TR-540nm-Unnamed.jpg 2020-07-28-1303_8-TR-Ha-UnnamedRgn.jpg 2020-07-28-1313_6-TR-CaK-NotNamed.jpg

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